(a) Written application to the New York City Department of Environmental Protection by the authorized official of the Water District or Municipality for permission to connect to and obtain water from the New York City water supply system.
(b) Two certified copies of the resolution designating and authorizing an official to make an application to and to execute an agreement with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection on behalf of the Water District or Municipality (Draft resolution attached – see 15 RCNY § 22-01(j)).
(c) Two certified copies of the resolution adopted by the Town Board establishing the Water District.
(d) Two certified copies of the approval by the New York State Department of Health of plans and specifications of the water supply facilities of the proposed Water District or of the proposed interconnection with an existing Water District or Municipality.
(e) Two certified copies of the permit issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation approving the proposed plans of the Water District where the Water District proposes to obtain City water through an interconnection with a Municipality or existing Water District which already draws from New York City's water supply system.
(f) Two certified copies of the official authorization by the Comptroller of the State of New York for the establishment of the Water District in the event that the Water District proposes to construct water supply facilities to service its District.
(g) A certified statement, in duplicate, of the population residing within the limits of the Water District or Municipality as shown by the last preceding census of the United States or a later State or official municipal census.
(h) Six copies of a current and updated map showing the boundaries of the Water District or Municipality and the boundaries of the area that is to receive water from the New York City water supply system.
(i) Six copies of plans, specifications and supporting reports and data prepared by a professional engineer, licensed in New York State, covering:
(1) The details of the proposed connection to the New York City System or of an interconnection to a source of the New York City water supply system;
(2) The maximum, minimum, and average drafts of water expected to be taken through the proposed connection or interconnection;
(3) The details of the proposed metering equipment and appurtenances;
(4) A current and updated distribution system map of the District or Municipality indicating sources of supply, interconnections (size, flow direction and metering arrangement), pumping stations, storage points, and gradients;
(5) Any proposed installation, construction, or placement or any piping, structure, equipment, appurtenances, or other material that will be within the lands of the City of New York, or that may affect the property or the water supply of the City of New York in any way whatsoever, or that may involve the measurement of water taken from the New York City water supply system.
(6) The lands of the City of New York that are expected to be used by the Water District or Municipality.
(7) Computations showing basis of design of piping, structures, and other equipment and materials pertinent to the proposed connection.
(j) Two certified copies of the following resolutions adopted by the Town Board:
Resolved: That the Supervisor of the Town of ____________ shall be, and is hereby, authorized to execute the Agreement, on behalf of the ________________________ by and among the ________________ and the City of New York pertaining to the withdrawal of City water from the New York City water supply system. Resolved: That the Water District agrees to comply with the provisions of Subchapter 3-A of Chapter 3 of Title 5 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York which relates to obtaining and receiving a supply of City water from the water supply system of the City of New York.
Resolved: That the Supervisor of the Town of ____________ shall be, and is hereby, authorized to execute the Agreement, on behalf of the ________________________ by and among the ________________ and the City of New York pertaining to the withdrawal of City water from the New York City water supply system. Resolved: That the Water District agrees to comply with the provisions of Subchapter 3-A of Chapter 3 of Title 5 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York which relates to obtaining and receiving a supply of City water from the water supply system of the City of New York.