Subchapter A: General Provisions
Best available retrofit technology. "Best available retrofit technology" shall mean a technology, verified by the United States environmental protection agency or the California air resources board, for reducing the emission of pollutants that achieves reductions in particulate matter emissions at the highest classification level for diesel emission control strategies, as set forth in 15 RCNY § 15-04, that is applicable to the particular engine and application. Such technology shall also, at a reasonable cost, achieve the greatest reduction in emissions of nitrogen oxides at such particulate matter reduction level and shall in no event result in a net increase in the emissions of either particulate matter or nitrogen oxides.
CARB. "CARB" shall mean the California Air Resources Board.
City agency. "City agency" shall mean a city, county, borough, administration, department, division, bureau, board or commission, or a corporation, institution or agency of government, the expenses of which are paid in whole or in part from the city treasury.
Code. "Code" shall mean the Administrative Code of the City of New York.
Commissioner."Commissioner" shall mean the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection or her designee.
Department. "Department" shall mean the Department of Environmental Protection.
EPA. "EPA" shall mean the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Gross vehicle weight rating. "Gross vehicle weight rating" shall mean the value specified by the manufacturer of a motor vehicle model as the maximum design loaded weight of a single vehicle of that model.
Motor vehicle. "Motor vehicle" shall mean a vehicle operated or driven upon a public highway that is propelled by any power other than muscular power, except electrically-driven mobility assistance devices operated or driven by a person with a disability, provided, however, that this term shall not include vehicles that are specially equipped for emergency response by the department, office of emergency management, sheriff's office of the department of finance, police department or fire department.
Person. "Person" shall mean any natural person, co-partnership, firm, company, association, joint stock association, corporation or other like organization.
Reasonable cost. "Reasonable cost" shall mean that such technology does not cost greater than thirty percent more than other technology applicable to the particular engine and application that falls within the same classification level for diesel emission control strategies, as set forth in 15 RCNY § 15-04, when considering the cost of the strategies, themselves, and the cost of installation.
Ultra low sulfur diesel fuel. "Ultra low sulfur diesel fuel" shall mean diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per million.
(Amended City Record 3/15/2017, eff. 4/14/2017)
Editor's note: The amendment from City Record 3/15/2017 purported to add definitions of "CARB" and "EPA" to 15 RCNY § 15-04, but the new definitions were added here at the discretion of the editor.