3005.6 Plumbing systems.
Plumbing systems not related to elevator machinery shall not be located in elevator equipment rooms.
3005.7 Elevator machinery noise control in multiple dwellings.
Gear-driven machinery, gearless machinery, and motor generators located in an elevator machinery room or shaft on a roof, or on a floor other than a floor on grade, shall be supported on vibration isolator pads having a minimum thickness of 1/2 inch (12.7 mm).
3006.1 Elevator, dumbwaiter and other hoistways.
Elevator, dumbwaiter, and other hoistway enclosures shall be constructed in accordance with Section 713 and Chapter 30.
3006.1.1 Elevator lobby.
Except as provided by Sections 403.6.1 and 403.6.2, an enclosed elevator lobby shall be provided in high-rise buildings at the following locations:
1. Elevators opening onto a fire-resistance-rated corridor, in all occupancy groups.
2. Elevators serving Group B occupancies. Elevators that serve four or more stories that contain space classified in occupancy Group B, inclusive of any lobby or entrance level, shall provide elevator lobbies at every level served by such elevator.
The lobby enclosure shall separate the elevator shaft enclosure doors from each floor by smoke partitions. In addition to the requirements in Section 710 for smoke partitions, doors protecting openings in the elevator lobby enclosure walls shall also comply with Section 710.5.2.3 and penetrations of the elevator lobby enclosure by ducts and air transfer openings shall be protected in accordance with Section 710.8. Elevator lobbies shall have at least one means of egress complying with Chapter 10 and other provisions within this code. Access to an exit on any story through an elevator lobby shall be permitted provided that access to at least one other required exit does not require passing through the elevator lobby.
1. Enclosed elevator lobbies are not required at the street floor, provided the entire street floor is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
2. Elevators not required to be located in a shaft in accordance with Section 712 are not required to have enclosed elevator lobbies.
3. Enclosed elevator lobbies are not required where zero-clearance doors are provided at the hoistway opening in accordance with Section 3002.6. Such doors shall be tested in accordance with UL 1784 without an artificial bottom seal.
4. Enclosed elevator lobbies are not required on floors with less than 2,500 square feet (232 m
), provided that the commissioner accepts an alternative design or construction method that accomplishes the purposes of this section, or provided that the commissioner determines that compliance with this section is impracticable in whole or in part, whereby the commissioner may authorize an exemption from the requirements of this section.
5. Enclosed elevator lobbies are not required on Group R-2 occupied floors.
6. Enclosed elevator lobbies are not required where the elevator hoistway is pressurized in accordance with Section 3006.1.2.
7. Enclosed elevator lobbies are not required where the elevator serves only open parking garages in accordance with Section 406.5.