2212.2 Exterior members.
All exterior structural steel members exposed to weather shall have a minimum thickness of metal of 0.23 inches (5.8 mm).
1. When an approved type of atmospheric corrosion- resistant steel is used.
2. Exposed surfaces are zinc coated with a minimum weight of coating of approximately 0.6 ounces per square foot (0.00156 kg/m
) of exposed surface and covered with a protective coating as required by Section 2203.2.
3. Exposed surfaces are protected by other means approved by the commissioner.
4. Temporary construction installations that will be in place for a period of 1 year or less, provided that all surfaces which are exposed to the weather shall have a protective coating as required by Section 2203.2.
5. Joists or purlins that are exposed to the weather but which do not support more than 200 square feet (19 m
) of floor or roof area, and which have a protective coating as required by Section 2203.2.
2213.1 General.
Steel structures shall be designed to meet all of the requirements of this section. However, details provided for gravity, seismic and wind forces and for other purposes may be regarded as forming part of, or the whole of, these requirements. Detailing provided for one requirement may be counted towards the other requirements.
1. One-story structures less than 5,000 square feet (465 m
) not to exceed 15 feet (4572 mm) in height.
2. Structures containing only Group R-3 occupancy not more than three stories in height.
2213.2 Continuity and ties.
The following requirements shall be met:
1. All bolted connections shall have at least two bolts.
2. Bolted connections of all columns, beams, braces and other structural elements that are part of the lateral load resisting system shall be designed as bearing-type connections with pretensioned bolts or as slip critical connections.
3. End connections of all beams and girders shall have a minimum available tensile strength equal to the larger of the required vertical shear strength of the connections at either end, but not less than 10 kips (45 kN) (LRFD) and 6.7 kips (30 kN) (ASD). For the design of the connections, the shear force and this axial tensile force need not be considered to act simultaneously. For the purpose of this provision, a connection shall be considered compliant if it meets the following requirements:
3.1. For single-plate shear connections, the available tensile strength shall be determined only for the limit state of bolt bearing on the plate and beam web.
3.2. For single angle and double angle shear connections, the available tensile strength shall be determined for the limit states of bolt bearing on the angles and beam web and for tension yielding on the gross area of the angles.
3.3. All other connections shall be designed for the required tension force noted above in accordance with the provisions of AISC 360.
4. For the purpose of satisfying these integrity provisions only, bearing bolts in connections with short-slotted holes parallel to the direction of the tension force and inelastic deformation are permitted. Elements and their connections that brace compression members shall have a minimum available tensile strength equal to at least 2 percent of the required compressive strength of the member being braced, but not less than 10 kips (45 kN) (LRFD) and 6.7 kips (30kN) (ASD). For design of these bracing connections, the shear force and the tensile force need not be considered to act simultaneously. Where more than one element braces a compression member at a point in one direction, all elements and connections shall have a minimum available tensile strength equal to at least 1 percent of the required compressive strength of the member being braced but not less than 10 kips (45 kN) (LRFD) and 6.7 kips (30 kN) (ASD).