910.4.6 Control wiring.
Wiring for operation and control of mechanical smoke removal systems shall be connected ahead of the main disconnect in accordance with the New York City Electrical Code and be protected against interior fire exposure to temperatures in excess of 1,000°F (537.8°C) for a period of not less than 15 minutes.
910.4.7 Controls.
Where building air-handling and mechanical smoke removal systems are combined or where independent building air-handling systems are provided, fans shall automatically shut down in accordance with the New York City Mechanical Code. The manual controls provided for the smoke removal system shall have the capability to override the automatic shutdown of fans that are part of the smoke removal system.
910.5 Maintenance.
Smoke and heat vents and mechanical smoke removal systems shall be maintained in accordance with the New York City Fire Code.
911.1 General.
Where required by other sections of this code and in buildings classified as high-rise buildings by this code, a fire command center for Fire Department operations shall be provided and shall comply with Sections 911.1.1 through 911.1.6.
911.1.1 Location and access.
The fire command center location shall be in the lobby of the building on the main entrance floor near the Fire Department designated response point.
911.1.2 Reserved.