2309.5 Weather protection.
Generation, compression, storage or dispensing equipment shall be allowed under weather protection in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 4 of the Building Code and FC 5004.13. The weather protection shall be constructed in a manner that prevents the accumulation of hydrogen gas.
2309.6 Overpressure protection.
Dispensing systems shall be equipped with an overpressure protection device set at 140 percent of the service pressure of the fueling nozzle it supplies.
2309.7 Safety precautions.
Safety precautions at hydrogen motor fuel-dispensing and generating facilities shall be in accordance with this section.
2309.7.1 Protection from vehicles.
Guard posts or other approved means shall be provided to protect hydrogen storage systems and use areas subject to vehicular damage in accordance with FC 312.
2309.7.2 Vehicle fueling pad.
The motor vehicle shall be fueled on noncoated concrete or other approved paving material having a resistance not exceeding 1 megohm as determined by the methodology specified in EN 1081.
2309.7.3 Emergency shutoff valves.
A manual emergency shutoff valve shall be provided at a clearly visible, accessible and approved location, to shut down the flow of gas from the hydrogen supply to the piping system.
2309.7.4 Emergency shutdown controls.
In addition to the manual emergency shutoff valve required by FC 2309.7.3, a remotely located, manually activated emergency shutdown control shall be provided. An emergency shutdown control shall be located within 75 feet (22 860 mm) of, but not less than 25 feet (7620 mm) from, dispensers and hydrogen generators.