2310.6.3 Access.
Where the pier, dock or wharf is accessible to vehicular traffic, an unobstructed roadway to the shore end of the pier, dock or wharf shall be maintained for access by fire apparatus.
2310.6.4 Portable fire extinguishers.
One portable fire extinguisher in accordance with FC 906 having a minimum rating of 40-B:C shall be provided on the pier, dock or wharf within 25 feet (7620 mm) of the head of the gangway to the pier, dock or wharf. If the certified attendant's office is within 25 feet (7620 mm) of the gangway or is on the pier, dock or wharf, the fire extinguisher may be provided therein.
2311.1 General.
Repair garages shall comply with the requirements of this section and the construction codes, including the Building Code. Repair garages for vehicles that use more than one type of fuel shall comply with the applicable requirements of this section for each type of fuel used. Where a repair garage also includes a motor fuel-dispensing facility, the fuel-dispensing operation shall comply with the requirements of this chapter for motor fuel-dispensing facilities.