2309.3.3 Liquefied hydrogen storage.
Storage of liquefied hydrogen shall be in accordance with FC Chapters 55 and 58 and NFPA 2.
2309.3.4 Canopy tops.
Gaseous hydrogen compression and storage equipment located on top of motor fuel-dispensing facility canopies shall be in accordance with FC Chapters 53 and 58, the Fuel Gas Code and this section.
2309.3.4.1 Construction.
Canopies shall be constructed in accordance with the motor fuel-dispensing facility canopy requirements of Chapter 4 of the Building Code and the following:
1. The canopy shall meet or exceed Type I construction requirements.
2. Operations located under canopies shall be limited to fueling only.
3. The canopy shall be constructed in a manner that prevents the accumulation of hydrogen gas.
2309.3.4.2 Fire extinguishing systems.
Fuel-dispensing areas under canopies shall be protected throughout by a sprinkler system. The design of the sprinkler system shall not be less than that required for Extra Hazard Group 2 occupancies. Operation of the sprinkler system shall activate the emergency functions of this section.
2309.3.4.3 Emergency discharge.
Operation of the sprinkler system shall activate an automatic emergency discharge system, which will discharge the hydrogen gas from the equipment on the canopy top through the vent pipe system.
2309.3.4.4 Emergency shutdown control.
Operation of the sprinkler system shall activate the emergency shutdown control required by FC 2309.7.4.
2309.4 Canopies.
Dispensing equipment need not be separated from canopies of Type I or II construction that are constructed in a manner that prevents the accumulation of hydrogen gas and in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Building Code.