2309.1.2.1 Inspection of dispensing area.
The certified attendant at a hydrogen motor fuel-dispensing facility responsible for supervision of the dispensing of hydrogen shall inspect the dispensing area on a daily basis to ensure that the facility is being maintained in accordance with this chapter and the rules. The certified attendant shall notify the owner and make any other notifications required by this code if there is any evidence that the facility is not in good working order. A record of such inspections and notifications shall be maintained at the premises in accordance with FC 107.7.
2309.1.2.2 Duties of fleet personnel.
Employees or other persons working for the owner of a fleet hydrogen motor fuel-dispensing facility whose duties involve the dispensing of hydrogen shall be trained and knowledgeable in such dispensing in compliance with the requirements of this code and the rules.
2309.1.3 Maintenance.
Maintenance of hydrogen motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall be conducted under the personal supervision of a person holding a hydrogen fueling-facility maintenance certificate of fitness.
2309.1.4 Lighting.
Dispensing areas shall be well lighted whenever dispensing is conducted.
2309.1.5 Dispensing area signage.
Durable signs shall be conspicuously posted in dispensing areas in hydrogen motor fuel-dispensing facilities in compliance with the requirements of FC 2309.1.5.1 through 2309.1.5.4.
2309.1.5.1 Operating instructions.
A sign setting forth dispenser operating instructions shall be posted on every dispenser. Such sign shall also indicate the location of the emergency shutdown valves and emergency shutdown controls required by FC 2309.7.3 and 2309.7.4.
2309.1.5.2 Hydrogen dispensing warning sign.
A warning sign that reads as follows shall be posted on or immediately adjacent to each dispenser:
1. No smoking.
2. Shut off engine.