2303.1 Location of dispensing devices.
Dispensing devices for liquid motor fuel storage and dispensing systems shall be located as set forth in FC 2303.1.1 and 2303.1.2.
2303.1.1 Outdoor dispensing devices.
When installed outdoors, dispensing devices shall be located as follows:
1. Ten feet (3048 mm) or more from lot lines and building or structure openings.
2. Ten feet (3048 mm) or more from buildings or structures having combustible exterior wall surfaces or buildings or structures having noncombustible exterior wall surfaces that are not part of a 1-hour fire-resistance-rated assembly or buildings or structures having combustible overhangs.
Exception: Canopies constructed in accordance with the construction codes, including the Building Code, providing weather protection for the motor fuel dispensers.
3. Such that all portions of the vehicle being fueled will be on the premises of the motor fuel-dispensing facility.
4. Such that the nozzle, when the hose is fully extended, will not reach within 5 feet (1524 mm) of building or structure openings.
5. Twenty feet (6096 mm) or more from fixed sources of ignition.
6. Twenty-five feet (7620 mm) or more from the nearest subway grating, entrance or exit.
2303.1.2 Indoor dispensing devices.
When installed indoors, the dispensing area shall be located at street level, with no dispenser located more than 50 feet (15 240 mm) from an exit or entrance to the building or structure used by motor vehicles.
2304.1 General.
The dispensing of liquid motor fuels at motor fuel-dispensing facilities, and the design, installation, operation and maintenance of liquid motor fuel storage and dispensing systems and facilities shall be in accordance with this section.
2304.1.1 Prohibition.
It shall be unlawful to dispense motor fuel into a vehicle while:
1. smoking;
2. using or maintaining an open flame;
3. the engine of the vehicle being fueled is not shut down;
4. using any object to override, bypass or otherwise render the fuel dispensing nozzle's manual hold-open design feature inoperable.