Article I. Ridesharing.
§ 42A-1. Definitions.
§ 42A-2. Share-a-ride districts.
§ 42A-3. Share-a-ride outreach areas.
§ 42A-4. Share-a-ride program.
§ 42A-5. Reductions in parking requirements.
§ 42A-6. Ridesharing account.
§ 42A-7. Penalties.
§ 42A-8. Agreement recorded in land records.
§ 42A-9. Regulations.
§ 42A-9A. Traffic mitigation agreements for certain developments.
Article II. Transportation Demand Management.
§§ 42A-10. — 42A-20A. Reserved.
§ 42A-21. Definitions.
§ 42A-22. Findings and purposes.
§ 42A-23. Districts; authority of the Department and Planning Board.
§ 42A-24. Transportation demand management plans for employers.
§ 42A-25. Transportation demand management plans for existing buildings.
§ 42A-26. Transportation demand management plans for new development projects (project-based TDM plans).
§ 42A-27. Traffic mitigation agreements.
§ 42A-28. Commuter survey and related data collection.
§ 42A-29. Executive report on transportation demand management.
§ 42A-30. Regulations.
§ 42A-31. Transportation demand management fee.
§ 42A-32. Enforcement.
1 | *Editor's note—1988 L.M.C., ch. 18, § 1, changed the title of ch. 42A from “Ridesharing” to “Ridesharing and Transportation Management.” |
In this chapter:
(a) Ridesharing:
(1) Means commuting in a motor vehicle as a group of two (2) or more individuals; and
(2) Includes carpooling, vanpooling, and transit ridership.
(b) Assessed real property value means the property tax assessed value of that portion of an office development designated for office use. (1985 L.M.C., ch. 9, § 1.)
(a) Establishment. Share-a-ride districts shall be established at locations within the county where large concentrations of employment provide opportunities for a large number of new ridesharing arrangements.
(b) Composition.
(1) Each district shall be an employment center that has a minimum of two million (2,000,000) gross square feet of existing office space within a one-half square mile area.
(2) All land in the general vicinity of the area under paragraph (1) of this subsection that is zoned or recommended in the appropriate master plan for commercial or industrial use shall be included in the district.
(c) Initial districts. The initial share-a-ride districts are the areas encompassed by the approved and adopted sector plans for:
(1) The Silver Spring Central Business District and vicinity; and
(2) The Bethesda Central Business District.
(d) Additional districts.
(1) The county executive may establish additional share-a-ride districts.
(2) Any person may petition the county executive to establish additional share-a-ride districts. (1985 L.M.C., ch. 9, § 1.)
(a) Establishment. Share-a-ride outreach areas shall be established at locations other than share-a-ride districts where concentrations of employment provide opportunities for a significant number of new ridesharing arrangements.
(b) Composition. Each share-a-ride outreach area shall:
(1) Be an employment center that has a minimum of two hundred thousand (200,000) gross square feet of existing office space within a one-quarter square mile area; or
(2) A residential area with at least five thousand (5,000) existing dwelling units.
(c) Authority to establish.
(1) The county executive may establish share-a-ride outreach areas.
(2) Any person may petition the county executive to establish a share-a-ride outreach area. (1985 L.M.C., ch. 9, § 1.)
(a) Establishment. The county executive shall establish a share-a-ride program.
(b) Purpose. The share-a-ride program is to provide personalized ridesharing services by:
(1) Promoting and assisting in initiation and maintenance of new ridesharing arrangements;
(2) Providing a continuous effort to identify potential carpoolers, vanpoolers, and transit riders;
(3) Providing a personalized system to match applicants into carpools and vanpools;
(4) Providing continuous follow-up contacts to modify unsatisfactory arrangements and rematch individuals whose circumstances and requirements have changed;
(5) Soliciting the cooperative support of employers and property owners in encouraging ridesharing; and
(6) Promoting incentives to ridesharing, such as preferential carpool spaces, subsidized vans, and discounted transit passes. (1985 L.M.C., ch. 9, § 1.)