To obtain any of the licenses mentioned in section 13-35, it shall be necessary for any applicant to file a written application therefor upon blanks to be furnished by the division of revenue, giving the name and address of the owner and of the operator of every such machine to be licensed, together with the location where such machine is to be installed or operated.
In the event the operator of any machine for which a license has been procured under sections 13-35 through 13-40 refuses, neglects or fails to pay the license tax upon such machine or device, the owner or proprietor of the business conducted in the storeroom or place where such machine is installed, operated or maintained shall be liable for the payment of such license tax.
In the event any license tax provided for in sections 13-35 through 13-39 shall for any reason remain unpaid for a period of fifteen (15) days after the same shall become delinquent within the terms of section 13-35, the commissioner of finance or director, division of revenue, or their agents, are authorized to and directed to take such machine or device into possession, and such machine or device shall be impounded until such license tax, together with ten (10) percent penalty thereon, is paid. In the event the license tax and penalties are not paid within ninety (90) days from and after the date of such impounding, the director, division of central purchasing is authorized and directed to sell such machine or device in the manner provided by law for the sale of personal property for delinquent taxes, and from the proceeds of such sale shall discharge and pay the license tax upon such machine or device, including all penalties and interest, including the cost of impounding, storage, advertising and other fees of any nature due the urban county government; and the balance, if any, shall be held by the director, division of central purchasing for the owner of such machine and shall be paid to the owner of such machine upon the execution by the owner of a receipt therefor.
In order to protect the health of citizens of the urban county, all persons offering ice for sale within the limits of the urban county not manufactured from water which is inspected by the department of health shall be required to submit a sample of each load of ice brought into the urban county to the department of health for analysis. It shall be unlawful for such ice to be sold or distributed in any manner whatsoever within the urban county limits until the department of health, after examination and analysis, shall have issued a certificate to the vendor of such ice showing the chemical analysis thereof, the date of the examination and the fact that it is pure and safe for human consumption; and the driver of any vehicle used for transporting such ice shall have this certificate on his person for ready inspection by the public upon demand. If such analysis by the department of health shows any ice to be impure and unsafe for human consumption, it shall be the duty of the department of health to destroy such ice and to prevent the delivery, sale or distribution of any of it within the urban county.
Any person who shall violate any provisions of this section shall for each offense, upon conviction, be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) or confined in the county detention facility for not more than thirty (30) days, or both so fined and imprisoned; and each day of such violation shall constitute a separate offense.