(a) Every seller who shall barter or sell coal, charcoal, coke or any other solid fuel, in the urban county, or to be delivered in the urban county shall, prior to the delivery or transportation for delivery of such commodity, provide the driver or handler of the wagon, truck, conveyance or container in which same is to be hauled or carried for delivery with a delivery ticket, which shall show:
(1) The name of the seller, and if the seller resides or is located outside the urban county, and has no office and place of business in the urban county, the name of the seller and of his agent in the urban county, if any;
(2) The weight of the commodity sold or to be delivered; and
(3) The name and address of the purchaser, or person to whom delivery is to be made.
(b) Such delivery ticket shall be delivered along with the commodity to the purchaser, or person to whom delivery may be made.
(c) The driver or handler of such commodity en route to be delivered shall, upon demand of the division of revenue, or of any police officer of the urban county government, produce such delivery ticket for inspection and submit to a testing of the correctness of the same by an actual weighing or measuring of the quantity of the commodity being transported by him for delivery, by or in the presence of the inspector or police officer; and if required by such employee of the division of revenue or police officer, the driver or handler shall take the commodity to an approved scale, or any other weighing or measuring instrument or device designated by the employee of the division of revenue or police officer at the time, for the purpose of weighing or measuring the commodity being transported by him for delivery; however, after such testing, the employee of the division of revenue or police officer shall, on demand of the driver or handler, or person in charge, accompany the latter to any other scale, or measuring instrument or device, for the purpose of retesting the correctness of the delivery ticket and of the weight or measure of the commodity.
(d) When any seller shall maintain no permanent yards of his own, equipped with an office and scales, in the urban county, every such seller shall deliver or cause to be delivered through a duly authorized agent or employee to the director, division of revenue at his office at the city hall an exact duplicate of the delivery ticket herein required, in advance of the delivery or transportation for delivery, of the commodity sold; no seller shall deliver or permit to be delivered or transport for delivery in the urban county any coal, coke, charcoal or other solid fuel without first delivering or causing to be delivered such duplicate delivery ticket to the director, division of revenue.
(e) No driver or handler of any wagon, truck, conveyance or container in which any coal, coke, charcoal or other solid fuel is being transported for delivery in the urban county to a purchaser shall transport or deliver such commodity without having in his possession, at the time of such transportation or delivery, the delivery ticket required by this section, or transport or deliver such commodity until after a duplicate copy of such ticket shall have been delivered to the director, division of revenue, as in this section provided.