General Provisions
31.001 Election procedure
31.002 Oath required
31.003 Compensation
31.004 Bond required
31.005 Appointing authority designated
31.006 Term of appointive officers; filling vacancies
31.007 Trustees to assign duties, settle disputes
31.008 Duty to deliver effects of office on terminating employment
31.009 Records to be available for inspection
31.010 Duty to account for funds
31.011 Retirement Act adopted
31.012 Conflict of interest prohibited
31.013 Employee residency requirement
31.014 Paid Leave For All Workers Act adopted
Village Manager
31.025 Position created
31.026 Appointment, term, qualifications
31.027 Removal authorized
31.028 Designation of acting Manager
31.029 Bond required
31.030 Compensation
31.031 Powers and duties
31.032 Effect of provisions on powers of President and Trustees
Village Clerk
31.045 Election, term; compensation
31.046 Bond
31.047 Duty to seal and attest documents
31.048 Duty to keep minutes, preserve ordinances
31.049 Duty to keep records
31.050 Custody, use of seal
31.051 Custody of documents
31.052 Duty to keep index
31.053 Public inspection of documents
31.054 Additional duties
31.055 Filling vacancy in office
31.056 Appointment, duties of Deputy Clerk
Village Attorney
31.070 Employment, compensation
31.071 Duties in litigation
31.072 Duty to enforce judgments, orders
31.073 Duty to give advice
31.074 Duty to oversee special assessment, condemnation proceedings
31.075 Removal of Village Attorney authorized
Village Prosecutor
31.085 Office created
31.086 Appointment
31.087 Compensation
31.088 Oath
31.089 Duties
31.090 Removal of Village Prosecutor authorized
Village Treasurer
31.100 Office created; appointment, term
31.101 Bond required
31.102 Duties generally
31.103 Deposit of funds; commingling prohibited
31.104 Records required
31.105 Books and accounts
31.106 Special assessment funds; payment on bonds, vouchers
31.107 Transfer of funds
31.108 Treasurer to be collector; duties
31.109 Removal of Village Treasurer authorized
Emergency Management Coordinator
31.120 Office created
Village Engineer
31.130 Office created
31.131 Duties
Ethics Provisions
31.150 State Officials and Employees Ethics Act