Publisher's Note: This Chapter has been AMENDED by new legislation (Resolution No. 04-23-059R, adopted 4-17-2023). The text of the amendment will be incorporated below when the ordinance is codified.
General Provisions
   155.011   Title
   155.012   Enactment
   155.013   Applicability and jurisdiction
   155.014   Intent
   155.015   Rules of interpretation and application
   155.016   Conflicting provisions
   155.017   Transitional provisions
   155.018   Construction of language
   155.019   Reconstruction of damaged properties
   155.020   Vested rights prohibited
   155.021   Conflict of laws and prohibited land uses
   155.022   Reserved through § 155.028
   155.029   Definitions
Districts and Boundaries; Maps; Schedule of Land Uses
   155.031   Districts established
   155.032   Zoning map
   155.033   Interpretation of district boundaries
   155.034   Zoning of vacated areas
   155.035   Zoning of annexed areas
   155.036   Schedule of land uses
   155.037   Reserved through § 155.039
Zoning District Regulations
   155.041   R-1A through R-1C One-Family Residential Districts
   155.042   RM Restricted Multiple-Family Dwelling District
   155.043   RM-1 Multiple-Family Dwelling District
   155.044   O-1 Office Building District
   155.045   B-1 Local Business District
   155.046   B-2 Thoroughfare Mixed-Use District
   155.047   B-3 General Business District
   155.048   M-1 Light Industrial District
   155.049   TCD Town Center District
   155.050   Reserved through § 155.059
Schedule of Regulations
   155.061   Schedule of regulations
   155.062   Reserved through § 155.069
General Development Standards
   155.071   Intent
   155.072   Architectural features
   155.073   Site design features
   155.074   Walls
   155.075   Waste receptacle (dumpster), storage screening, or collection bins
   155.076   Exterior lighting and security cameras
   155.077   Off-street parking
   155.078   Accessible parking for physically disabled persons
   155.079   Off-street loading and unloading
   155.080   Parking lot landscaping
   155.081   Use restriction
   155.082   Height, area and use exceptions
   155.083   Required site development
Special Land Use Standards
   155.111   Intent
   155.112   Child and adult foster care facilities
   155.113   Nursery schools, day nurseries and child care centers (not including dormitories)
   155.114   Nursing and convalescent homes
   155.115   Religious institutions
   155.116   Senior housing, assisted living facility and similar types of housing for the elderly
   155.117   Private noncommercial recreation area; institutional or community recreation centers
   155.118   Golf courses
   155.119   Colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning
   155.120   Business, trade, vocational and similar learning institutions
   155.121   Townhomes and duplexes
   155.122   Multiple-family dwellings (three stories or less)
   155.123   Multiple-family dwellings (four stories or greater)
   155.124   Mixed-use business and residential buildings
   155.125   General hospitals
   155.126   Automobile service stations
   155.127   Vehicle washing facilities
   155.128   Minor vehicle repair facilities
   155.129   Major vehicle repair facilities
   155.130   Carry-out, fast food, drive-through or drive-in restaurants
   155.131   Motels or hotels
   155.132   Self-storage facilities
   155.133   Outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or pre-owned vehicles or house trailers
   155.134   Outdoor sales of automobiles and other vehicles
   155.135   Greenhouse and florist operations involving the growing, wholesaling, and/or retailing of plant materials
   155.136   Open air business
   155.137   Research and development facilities
   155.138   Junk yards
   155.139   Contractors’ offices and yards
   155.140   Manufactured housing communities
   155.141   Outdoor theaters
   155.142   Floodplain zones; National Flood Insurance Program
   155.143   Standards for processing bio-diesel fuels
   155.144   Tattoo establishments
   155.145   Charitable gaming room
   155.146   Standards for all medical marijuana facilities
   155.147   Commercial warehouse and wholesale operations
   155.148   Medical marijuana provisioning centers
   155.149   Temporary pop-up commercial use
   155.149A   Mobile food vending
   155.149B   Mobile food court or park
   155.150   Medical marijuana processing facilities
   155.150A   Medical marijuana testing facilities
   155.150B   Medical marijuana transportation facilities
   155.150C   Medical marijuana cultivation facilities
Alternative Development Options
   155.151   Condominium development
   155.152   Planned unit development
   155.153   Lot averaging for one-family developments
   155.154   Reserved through § 155.159
Performance Standards
   155.161   Intent
   155.162   Scope of application
   155.163   Submission of additional data
   155.164   Performance standards
   155.165   Procedures for determining compliance
   155.166   Continued violation
   155.167   Appeals
   155.168   Reserved through § 155.179
Nonconforming Uses and Structures
   155.181   Intent
   155.182   Nonconforming lots
   155.183   Nonconforming uses of land
   155.184   Nonconforming structures
   155.185   Nonconforming uses of structures
   155.186   Repairs and maintenance
   155.186A   Preferred class designations
   155.187   Change of tenancy or ownership
   155.188   Reserved through § 155.199
Regulated Uses
   155.201   Intent
   155.202   Establishment
   155.203   Review and action procedures
   155.204   Invalidation of regulated use permits
   155.205   Massage establishments
   155.206   Reserved
   155.207   Appeals procedure
   155.208   Reserved
   155.209   Reserved
Wireless Communications Towers and Antennas
   155.211   Intent
   155.212   Definitions
   155.213   Applicability
   155.214   General requirements
   155.215   Permitted uses
   155.216   Special land use permits
   155.217   Insurance obligation
Location Restrictions
   155.218   Theaters, assembly halls, concert halls, clubs and similar organizations
   155.219   Reserved through § 155.229
   155.231   Intent
   155.232   Scope of requirements
   155.233   Definitions
   155.234   Review, action and inspection
   155.235   Obsolete signs
   155.236   Nonconforming signs
   155.237   Alteration of signs
   155.238   Compliance with the zoning code
   155.239   Appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals
   155.240   Registration of sign contractors; licensing and bonding
   155.241   General limitations and provisions
   155.242   Structural requirements and mounting
   155.243   Motorist visibility
   155.244   Illumination
   155.245   Measurement
   155.246   Reserved
   155.247   Reserved
   155.248   Reserved
   155.249   Reserved
   155.250   Residential district signs
   155.251   Business and office district signs
   155.252   Industrial district signs
   155.253   Tables and figures
   155.254   Reserved
   155.255   Severability clause
   155.256   Waiver process
   155.257   Reserved through § 155.259
Public Art
   155.261   Murals
   155.262   Mural regulations
   155.263   Reserved through § 155.269
Powers and Duties of Boards and Departments
   155.271   City Council
   155.272   City Planning Commission
   155.273   Community Development Department
   155.274   Building Department
   155.275   Zoning Board of Appeals
   155.276   Reserved through § 155.279
Administration, Enforcement and Penalties
   155.281   Enforcement authority
   155.282   Duties of the Building Official or other official responsible for code enforcement
   155.283   Plot plan
   155.284   Permit requirements
   155.285   Certificate of occupancy and re-occupancy
   155.286   Site plan review (all districts)
   155.287   Standards for site plan approval
   155.288   Procedures for special land use review
   155.289   Standards for special land use approval
   155.290   Special meetings
   155.291   Public hearing notification requirements
   155.292   Fee structure   
   155.293   Performance guarantee
   155.294   Changes and amendments
   155.295   Final inspection
   155.296   Public nuisance and abatement
   155.297   Owner’s liability to punishment
   155.298   Rights and remedies are cumulative
   155.299   (Reserved)
   155.300   Imposition of penalty does not exempt compliance with requirements
   155.301   Severability
   155.302   Savings
   155.303   Validity
   155.304   Time limitations on orders
   155.305   Reserved through § 155.319
Repeal and Effective Date
   155.321   Repeal
   155.322   Effective date
   155.999   Penalty
   Blight violations, see Chapter 156