Chapter 1 Incorporation and Boundaries
   1.1   Incorporation
   1.2   Boundaries
Chapter 2 Definitions and General Provisions
   2.1   Records to be public
   2.2   Definitions and interpretations
   2.3   Publication of notices
   2.4   Official performance
   2.5   Public records as evidence
   2.6   Quorum
   2.7   Sundays and holidays
   2.8   Penalties for violations of charter
   2.9   Chapter and section headings
   2.10   Amendments
   2.11   Severability of charter provisions
   2.12   No estoppel
   2.13   Vested rights
   2.14   System of accounts
   2.15   City liability
Chapter 3 Municipal Powers
   3.1   General powers
   3.2   Additional powers
   3.3   Further powers
Chapter 4 Elections
   4.1   Qualifications of electors
   4.2   Election procedure
   4.3   Wards and precincts
   4.4   Election dates
   4.5   Election registration
   4.6   Election commission
   4.7   Special elections
   4.8   Notice of elections
   4.9   Voting hours
   4.10   Nominations
   4.11   Form of petition
   4.12   Withdrawal of petition
   4.13   Approval of petition
   4.14   Public inspection of petitions
   4.15   Form of ballots
   4.16   Canvass of votes
   4.17   Recount
   4.18   Recall
   4.19   Election by lot, in case of tie vote
   4.20   General election laws
Chapter 5 General Provisions Regarding Officers and Personnel of the City
   5.1   Eligibility for office and employment in city
   5.2   Vacancies in office
   5.3   Removals from office
   5.4   Resignations
   5.5   Filling vacancies in appointive offices
   5.6   Filling vacancies in elective offices
   5.7   Change in term of office or compensation
   5.8   Oath of office and bond
   5.9   Surety bonds
   5.10   Delivery of office
   5.11   Pecuniary interest prohibited
   5.12   Compensation of officers and employees
   5.13   Employee welfare benefits
   5.14   Anti-nepotism
Chapter 6 Plan of City Government and Officers Thereof
   6.1   Plan of government
   6.2   Election of council, mayor, municipal judges and constables
   6.3   First council and mayor
   6.4   Election of mayor pro tempore
   6.5   Duties of mayor of the city
   6.6   Compensation of elective officers
   6.7   Administrative service
   6.8   City manager; appointment and qualifications
   6.9   City manager; functions and duties
   6.10   Acting city manager
   6.11   Attorney; functions and duties
   6.12   City clerk; functions and duties
   6.13   City treasurer; functions and duties
Chapter 7 The Council: Procedure and Miscellaneous Powers and Duties
   7.1   Regular meetings
   7.2   Special meetings
   7.3   Business at special meetings
   7.4   Meetings open to the public
   7.5   Quorum
   7.6   Rules of the council
   7.7   Investigations
   7.8   Health and safety
   7.9   Publication of council proceedings
Chapter 8 Legislation
   8.1   Prior city legislation
   8.2   Ordinances and resolutions
   8.3   Enactment, amendment, repeal and effective date of ordinances
   8.4   Recording of ordinances
   8.5   Penalties for violations of ordinances
   8.6   Special requirements for certain council actions
   8.7   Enactment of codes by reference
   8.8   Severability of ordinances
   8.9   Initiative and referendum
   8.10   Initiatory and referendary petitions
   8.11   Council procedure on initiatory and referendary petitions
   8.12   Submission of initiatory and referendary ordinances to electors
   8.13   Ordinance suspended; miscellaneous provisions
Chapter 9 General Finance - Budget, Audit
   9.1   Fiscal year
   9.2   Budget procedure
   9.3   Budget document
   9.4   Budget hearings
   9.5   Adoption of budget
   9.6   Transfer of appropriations
   9.7   Budget control
   9.8   Depository
   9.9   Independent audit
Chapter 10 General Taxation
   10.1   Power to tax; tax limit
   10.2   Subjects of taxation
   10.3   Exemptions
   10.4   Tax day
   10.5   Personal property jeopardy assessment
   10.6   Preparation of the assessment roll
   10.7   Board of review
   10.8   Duties and functions of the board of review
   10.9   Meetings of the board of review
   10.10   Notice of meetings
   10.11   Endorsement of roll
   10.12   Clerk to certify tax levy
   10.13   City tax roll
   10.14   Tax roll certified for collection
   10.15   Tax lien on property
   10.16   Taxes due; notification
   10.17   Collection fees and interest
   10.18   State, county and school taxes
   10.19   Protection of city lien
   10.20   Disposition of real property held by city
   10.21   Collection of delinquent taxes
Chapter 11 General Finance - Borrowing Power
   11.1   General borrowing
   11.2   Special assessing bonds
   11.3   Other bonds
   11.4   Preparation and record
   11.5   Unissued bonds
   11.6   Limitation on indebtedness
Chapter 12 Special Assessments
   12.1   Hazards and nuisances
   12.2   Sidewalks
   12.3   Boulevard lighting
   12.4   General power relative to special assessment
   12.5   Procedure to be fixed by ordinance
   12.6   Objection to improvement
   12.7   Installment payments of assessments
   12.8   Additional assessments
   12.9   Refunds of assessments
   12.10   Special assessment accounts
   12.11   Contested assessments
   12.12   Reassessments for benefits
   12.13   Delinquent special assessments
   12.14   Lien not destroyed by judgment
Chapter 13 Purchase, Sale and Lease of Property
   13.1   Purchasing procedure; ordinance required
Chapter 14 Municipal Utilities
   14.1   Public utility powers
   14.2   Management of public utilities
   14.3   Rates
   14.4   Utility rates and charges; collection
   14.5   Disposal of utility plants and property
   14.6   Utility finances
Chapter 15 Privately Owned Utilities
   15.1   Franchise required
   15.2   Regulatory powers
   15.3   Permit revocable
   15.4   Franchise elections
   15.5   Franchise term
   15.6   Further regulatory powers
   15.7   Franchise conveyed by ordinance
   15.8   Ordinance regulation
   15.9   Repeal and termination of franchise; acquisition of utility property
   15.10   Franchise of ordinance requirements
Chapter 16 Supervisors
   16.1   Number of supervisors
   16.2   Selection of supervisors
   16.3   Duties of supervisors
   16.4   Compensation of supervisors
Chapter 17 Judiciary
   17.1   Creation of municipal court
   17.2   Elections of judges and term
   17.3   Qualifications
   17.4   Jurisdiction
   17.5   Act granting authority
   17.6   Causes may be transferred
   17.7   Ordinance cases to be heard
   17.8   Right of appeal
   17.9   Dockets
   17.10   Salary and time of conducting court and court procedure
   17.11   Fees, general law applicable
   17.12   Disposition of fees, costs and fines
   17.13   Judges bonds
   17.14   Court clerk and deputies
   17.15   Court officer
   17.16   Jury trials
   17.17   Place of court and furnishings
   17.18   Probation
   17.19   Words `justice' and `judge' synonymous
   17.20   Pending causes saved
   17.21   Violations bureau
   17.22   Constables
   17.23   Education and rehabilitation commission
   17.24   Terms of court
Chapter 18 Policemen and Firemen Retirement System of the City
   18.1   Name and establishment
   18.2   Definitions
   18.3   Normal retirement
   18.4   Disability retirement
   18.5   Eligibility for death benefits
   18.6   Benefit amounts
   18.7   Proof of continued disability
   18.8   Partial disability
   18.9   Dependent's benefits
   18.10   Deductions
   18.11   Termination of service
   18.12   Effecting and terminating retirements
   18.13   Applications for pensions
   18.14   Fireman's and policeman's pension list
   18.15   Fireman's and policeman's pension fund
   18.16   Board of trustees
   18.17   Corporate trustee or agent
   18.18   Non-alienation or benefits
   18.19   Monthly list; examination, order for payment
   18.20   Applicants for pensions, examination under oath
   18.21   Time of pension payments
   18.22   Construction of chapter
   18.23   Pensions represent contractual obligations
   18.24   Village retirement system, transfer of funds
   18.25   Integration with Federal Social Security
Chapter 19 Civil Service System
   19.1   Civil service ordinance
Chapter 20 Schedule
   20.1   Submission of chapter
   20.2   Effective date
   Resolution of adoption
   Resolution and Certification of Election