(A)   Violations of the previous zoning code will continue to be a violation under this chapter and be subject to enforcement and penalties under §§ 155.281 through 155.303, Administration, Enforcement and Penalties, unless the use, development, construction or other activity complies with the provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   Legal nonconformities under the previous zoning code will continue to be a legal nonconformity under this chapter if the situation that resulted in the nonconforming status continues to exist. If nonconformity under the previous zoning code becomes conforming under this chapter, then the nonconforming situation will be removed.
   (C)   Permits and approvals that are valid prior to the effective date of this chapter shall remain valid until their expiration date. Projects with valid approvals or permits may be completed in accordance with standards and regulations in effect at the time of approval, provided permit or approvals are valid and not expired.
   (D)   Completed permit applications and other approvals, submitted before the effective date of this chapter and pending approval at the time of the effective date of this chapter may, at the applicant’s request, be reviewed and completed in accordance with the previous zoning code. Re-application for an expired permit shall meet the standards in effect at the time of re-application.
   (E)   Projects that have not been accepted as complete shall be subject to all requirements and standards of this chapter.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)