Table 4-1, below, is a schedule of regulations for this chapter.
Use District
Minimum Size Lot per Unit
Maximum Height of Structures
Minimum Yard Setback
(Per Lot in Feet)
Minimum Floor Area per Unit
(Sq. Ft.)
Maximum Percentage of Lot Area Covered by All Building
Area in Sq. Ft.
Width in Feet
Feet (U)
Least One Side
Total Two Sides
Use District
Minimum Size Lot per Unit
Maximum Height of Structures
Minimum Yard Setback
(Per Lot in Feet)
Minimum Floor Area per Unit
(Sq. Ft.)
Maximum Percentage of Lot Area Covered by All Building
Area in Sq. Ft.
Width in Feet
Feet (U)
Least One Side
Total Two Sides
R-1A One-Family Residential
9,600 (C)
10 (K)
1,500 (P)
R-1B One-Family Residential
7,200 (C)
5 (K)
1, 200 (Q)
R-1C One-Family Residential
6,000 (C)
5 (K)
1, 200 (R)
RM Restricted Multiple-Dwelling (Low Rise)
(L), (S)
(L), (S)
(m), (S)
(N), (O), (S)
(N), (O), (S)
(N), (O), (S)
850 (S)
RM-1 Multiple Family Residence (Low Rise)
3 (S)
36 (S)
30 (B)
30 (B)
60 (B)
30 (B)
1BR - 600
2 BR - 750
3 BR - 900
4 BR - 1,100
B-1 Local Business
B-2 Community Business
3 (E) (T)
35 (E) (T)
(F), (H)
B-3 General Business
M-1 Light Industrial
60 (I)
20 (J)
40 (J)
(J), (H)
TCD Town Center District
(T), (V)
(T), (V)
(T), (V)
(T), (V)
(T), (V)
(T), (V)
(T), (V)
(T), (V)
(T), (V)
See notes (demoted by capital letter in parentheses) on following pages.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
   (A)   In an RM-1 Multiple-Family District, the total number of rooms of 80 square feet or more (not including kitchen, dining and sanitary facilities) shall not be more than the area of the parcel in square feet, divided by 900. All units shall have at least one living room and one bedroom, except that not more than 10% of the units may be of an efficiency apartment type.
      (1)   In buildings of four or more stories in height, the total number of rooms of 80 square feet or more (not including kitchen, dining and sanitary facilities) shall not be more than the area of the parcel, in square feet, divided by 450. All units shall have at least one living room and one bedroom, except that not more than 10% of the units may be of an efficiency apartment type.
      (2)   For the purpose of computing the permitted number of dwelling units per acre, the following room assignments shall control:
      Efficiency = 1 room
      1 bedroom = 2 rooms
      2 bedroom = 3 rooms
      3 bedroom = 4 rooms
      4 bedroom = 5 rooms
      (3)   Plans presented showing 1-, 2-, or 3-bedroom units and including a den, library or other extra room shall count such extra room as a bedroom for the purpose of computing density.
      (4)   The area used for computing density shall be the total site area exclusive of any dedicated public right-of-way of either interior or bounding roads and unusable open space such as wetlands and natural features.
   (B)   In an RM-1 District, front, side or rear yards need not refer to spacing between buildings for a planned development for two or more buildings on the same parcel. In such cases, the minimum distance between any two buildings shall be regulated according to § 155.073, Multiple building multiple-family development. Areas devoted to off-street parking, drives or maneuvering lanes shall not cover more than 30% of the area of any required side or rear yard or any required minimum distance between buildings. Off-street parking shall not be permitted in a front yard.
   (C)   See § 155.153, Lot averaging for one-family developments, for flexibility allowance.
   (D)   The minimum lot area and width, and the maximum percent of building coverage shall be determined on the basis of required off-street parking, loading, greenbelt screening, and yard setbacks as provided herein for the respective uses and use districts.
   (E)   Planned unit developments involving five acres or more under one ownership shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission, after public hearing, regarding modifications with respect to height regulations; subject, further, to the review by the City Council and approval thereof. In approving an increase in structure height the Planning Commission shall require that all yards may at least be equal in their depth to the height of the structure.
   (F)   The minimum setback is the existing established building setback for the street and limited to the extent that the required off-street loading space and space for enclosed trash receptacles and parking is accommodated on the site.
   (G)   No side yards are required along interior side lot lines within the district, except as required in the building code; provided that if walls of structures facing such interior side lot lines contain window or door penetrations, such side yard shall not be less than ten feet. Where an interior side lot line abuts a district zoned for residential use there shall be provided an interior side yard equal in depth to the height of the building. On corner lots, the exterior side yard shall not be less than ten feet, except where the rear yard abuts a residential district or lies across a common separating street from a residential district. Such side yard shall not be less than the minimum required front yard of said adjacent residential district.
   (H)   Off-street loading space shall be provided in the rear yard at a ratio of at least one space per each establishment, and shall be provided in addition to any required off-street parking area. Off-street loading space shall further meet the requirements of § 155.079, Off-street loading and unloading.
   (I)   A required front yard may be penetrated to within 20 feet of an existing or proposed right-of-way line (as shown on the Master Plan) with off-street parking for customers, clients and/or visitors if screened from public view (as viewed from a major thoroughfare) by an intense planting screen at least ten feet in width; subject to the requirements of §§ 155.071 through 155.082, General Development Standards. For the purpose of this provision, such off-street parking shall consist of not more than 10% of the total off-street parking required under the provisions of this chapter.
   (J)   No building shall be located closer than 60 feet to the outer perimeter (property line) of such district when said property line abuts any residential district.
      (1)   Required side or rear yards may be used for off-street parking or loading and unloading, provided that in such instances the Planning Commission shall review and approve the proposed parking and site plan to determine that sufficient access to the rear of the building is provided for firefighting or other emergency type equipment.
      (2)   An obscuring wall shall be provided on those sides of the property used for open storage parking or service drives, loading, unloading or servicing, and abutting land zoned for residential use. The Planning Commission on the basis of usage may determine the extent of such wall. Such wall shall not be less than eight feet in height and shall be subject further to the requirements of § 155.074, Walls. The Planning Commission may, upon considering land usage, modify such wall height where it is found that no good purpose would be served by such requirement. In no instance, however, shall such wall be less than four and one-half feet in height.
   (K)   The side yard abutting upon a street shall not be less than the greater of the side yards required for the district in which located when there is a common rear yard relationship in the block and a common side yard relationship with the block directly across the common separating street. In the case of a rear yard abutting a side yard, or when a side yard is adjacent to a front yard across a common separating street, the side yard abutting a street shall not be less than the minimum front yard of the district in which located.
   (L)   A minimum of 4,000 square feet of lot of site area shall be provided for each dwelling unit.
   (M)   The distance from the front lot line to the nearest point of a principal building shall not be less than 25 feet, except that where an entire block frontage is developed at one time, under single ownership of control, then the minimum setback may be reduced to 20 feet provided that the average setback for all structures shall not be less than 25 feet.
   (N)   The minimum required yard depths (per unit) shall be as follows:
      (1)   Side: 15 feet shall be provided at the exterior end of each structure (detached or attached), subject further to the requirements of note division (M) above.
      (2)   Front: 25 feet, except as provided in note division (M) above.
      (3)   Rear: 35 feet, except that enclosed parking structures and/or exterior court walls may be constructed at the rear lot line where such lot abuts a public alley.
The above required areas shall be determined by the Planning Commission on the basis of dwelling unit orientation; provided, further, that the minimum required area for any dwelling unit shall not be counted as the required yard area for any other dwelling unit.
   (O)   Interior courts shall contain a minimum of 500 square feet with a minimum horizontal dimension of 20 feet for the first story plus one additional foot per foot of building height above 15 feet.
   (P)   A dwelling unit constructed in an R-1A One-Family Residential District shall have a floor area of not less than 1,500 square feet with full basement or 1,600 square feet without basement.
   (Q)   A dwelling unit constructed in an R-1 B One-Family Residential District area shall have a floor area of not less than 1,200 square feet with a full basement or 1,400 square feet without a basement.
   (R)   A dwelling unit constructed in an R-1 C One-Family Residential District area shall have a floor area of not less than 1,200 square feet with a full basement or 1,400 square feet without a basement.
   (S)   See § 155.121, Townhomes and duplexes, for special land use for townhomes.
   (T)   See § 155.121, Townhomes and duplexes for special land use for townhomes and § 155.124, Mixed-use business and residential buildings.
   (U)   See § 155.029, Definitions, for determination of building height.
   (V)   See § 155.049, TCD Town Center District, for submission and dimensional requirements.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)