(A)   Exterior lighting.
      (1)   Subject to the provisions set forth herein, all parking areas, walkways, driveways, building entryways, off-street parking and loading areas, and building complexes with common areas shall be sufficiently illuminated to ensure the security of property and the safety of persons using such public or common areas.
      (2)   Exterior lighting shall be located and maintained to prevent the reflection and glare of light in a manner which created a nuisance or safety hazard to operators of motor vehicles, pedestrians and neighboring land uses. These provisions are not intended to apply to public street lighting.
      (3)   Only white, non-glare lighting such as metal halide, color-corrected high-pressure sodium, or other types of lighting which achieve the same effect shall be permitted. Lighting shall be placed and shielded so as to direct the light onto the site and away from adjoining properties. Lighting shall be shielded so that it does not cause glare for motorists.
      (4)   Lights shall be recessed into the fixture so that bulbs or elements are not visible from adjoining properties.
      (5)   Lighting for uses adjacent to residentially zoned or used property shall be designed and maintained such that illumination levels do not exceed 0.1 foot-candles along property lines. Lighting for uses adjacent to non-residential properties shall be designed and maintained such that illumination levels do not exceed 0.3 footcandles along property lines. Light intensity shall not exceed a maximum of 20 foot-candles in any given area. The Planning Commission, upon City Planner’s recommendation, may allow for an increased level of lighting above maximum permissible levels when it can be demonstrated that such lighting is necessary for safety and security purposes.
      (6)   Lighting fixtures shall not exceed a height of 25 feet. In portions of a site adjacent to residential areas, lighting fixtures shall not exceed a height of 20 feet.
      (7)   All lighting, including ornamental lighting, shall be shown on site plans in sufficient detail to allow determination of the effects of such lighting upon adjacent properties, and traffic safety. Building or roof-mounted lighting intended to attract attention to the building and/or use and not strictly designed for security purposes is not permitted. Temporary holiday lighting is exempt from the aforementioned provision.
      (8)   All lighting for parking areas or for the external illumination for buildings or grounds or for the illumination of signs shall be directed away from and shall be shielded from adjacent residential districts, and shall also be so arranged as to not adversely affect driver visibility on adjacent thoroughfares. See § 155.164, Performance standards, for additional requirements.
   (B)   Security cameras. For all non-residential commercial and business properties, security cameras shall be installed, maintained and approved by the City Police Chief. All security cameras shall be high-definition with a minimum resolution of 1080p and night vision with at least 120 concurrent hours of digitally recorded documentation. The security cameras shall be in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and shall be set to maintain the record of the prior 120 hours of continuous operation. An alarm system is required that is operated and monitored by a recognized security company. Security cameras shall be placed to cover the entire site and placement shall be approved by the City Police Chief.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)