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Inkster Overview
Inkster, MI Code of Ordinances
   (A)   Intent. The intent of the R-1A through R-1C One-Family Residential Districts is to provide areas within the city for the construction and continued use of one-family dwellings within stable neighborhoods. It is intended that the principal use of land is for single-family dwellings, but each district has different minimum area, density, and placement requirements to provide different housing types and to accommodate the varied needs of the population. It is also the intent of this district to prohibit multiple family, office, business, commercial or industrial use of the land, and to prohibit any other use which would substantially interfere with development or continuation of single- family dwellings in the districts.
   (B)   Principal uses permitted. In a One-Family Residential District (R-1A through R-1C) no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected except for one or more of the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this chapter:
      (1)   One-family detached dwellings.
      (2)   Agriculture on those parcels of land separately owned outside the boundaries of either a proprietary or supervisor’s plat, having an area of not less than five acres, all subject to the health and sanitation provisions of the city code. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to grow or to permit the growing of household food products in residential areas between the front lot line and the setback line.
      (3)   Publicly owned and operated libraries, parks, parkways and recreational facilities.
      (4)   Instructions in crafts or fine arts when conducted within the confines of a principal use and provided all requirements of the city’s ordinances are met.
      (5)   Child or adult foster care for six or less persons as licensed by the state.
      (6)   Cemeteries, which lawfully occupied land at the time of adoption of this chapter.
      (7)   Temporary buildings and uses for construction purposes for a period not to exceed one year. Land in R-1A through R-1C districts shall not be used as a construction staging area for any project other than a project on the parcel of land where construction is taking place.
      (8)   Accessory buildings provided that they shall be designed and located as provided in §§ 155.071 through 155.082.
      (9)   Nameplates and signs as provided in §§ 155.231 through 155.252.
      (10)   Automobile parking space to be provided as required in §§ 155.071 through 155.082.
   (C)   Special land uses. The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions set forth in this subchapter, §§ 155.071 through 155.082, all applicable codes and ordinances set forth in this chapter and other codes and regulations hereinafter imposed for each use. The following uses are further subject to the review and approval of the Planning Commission:
      (1)   Religious institutions and other facilities normally incidental thereto.
      (2)   Public, parochial and other private elementary, intermediate schools and/or high schools offering courses in general education, not operated for profit.
      (3)   Child and adult foster care serving more than seven but fewer than twelve persons.
      (4)   Utility and public service buildings and uses (without storage yards) when operating requirements necessitate the locating of said building within the district in order to serve the immediate vicinity.
      (5)   Nursery schools, day nurseries and child care centers (not including dormitories).
      (6)   Private noncommercial recreational areas or institutional or community recreation centers.
      (7)   Golf courses, which may or may not be operated for profit.
      (8)   Colleges, universities and other such institutions of higher learning, public and private, offering courses in general, technical or religious education and not operated for profit.
      (9)   Amateur radio antenna, §§ 155.211 through 155.217, Wireless Communication Towers and Antennas.
      (10)   Utility and public service buildings without storage yards.
   (D)   Area and bulk requirements. Requirements limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, maximum density permitted, and minimum yard setbacks are set forth in § 155.061.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)
   (A)   Intent. The RM Restricted Multiple Dwelling District is designed to accommodate those types of low rise multiple dwelling structures which are similar, in terms of use and architectural character, to one-family dwellings. The RM District is further designed to encourage a more intensive use of residential land through the elimination of certain exterior yard areas and the development of building types and/or modules, which will contain private interior open spaces or provide common exterior open space areas. The RM District is typically mapped adjacent to major and secondary thoroughfares, due to location and/or restrictive dimensions, may not be desirable for detached single-family dwellings.
   (B)   Principal uses permitted. In the RM District no building or land, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be erected or used except for one or more of the following specified purposes and shall be permitted subject to the review and approval of the site plan by the Planning Commission. Such review of the site plan is required to find proper relationships between the following development features as they relate to traffic safety and, further, to minimize the possibility of any adverse effects upon adjacent properties, driveways, parking areas, accessory buildings and uses and open space. No site plan review is necessary on single family homes.
      (1)   All principal uses permitted in the R-1 One-Family Residential Districts subject to the lot area, yard and floor area requirements as specified therein.
      (2)   Townhomes and duplexes (two stories or less) subject to the conditions imposed in §§ 155.111 through 155.142.
      (3)   Multiple-family dwellings (two stories or less) subject to the conditions imposed in §§ 155.111 through 155.142.
      (4)   Instruction in crafts or fine arts when conducted within the confines of a principal use and provided all requirements of the city’s ordinances are met.
      (5)   Accessory buildings, provided that they shall be designed and located as permitted in §§ 155.071 through 155.082, General Development Standards.
      (6)   Child and adult foster care for six or less persons as licensed by the state.
      (7)   Nameplates and signs as provided in §§ 155.231 through 155.252, Signs.
      (8)   Automobile parking spaces to be provided as required in §§ 155.071 through 155.082, General Development Standards.
   (C)   Special land uses. The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions set forth in this subchapter, §§ 155.111 through 155.142, Special Land Use Standards, and all applicable codes and ordinances set forth in this chapter and other codes and regulations hereinafter imposed for each use and subject further to the review and approval of the Planning Commission:
      (1)   Religious institutions and other facilities normally incidental thereto.
      (2)   Child and adult foster care serving more than seven but fewer than twelve persons.
      (3)   Townhomes of three stories.
      (4)   Multiple-family dwellings of three stories.
      (5)   Nursery schools, day nurseries, and child care centers (not including dormitories).
      (6)   Amateur radio antenna, subject to regulations of §§ 155.211 through 155.217, Wireless Communication Towers and Antennas.
      (7)   Nursing and convalescent homes.
      (8)   Utility and public service buildings without storage yards.
      (9)   Public, parochial and other private elementary, intermediate schools and/or high schools offering courses in general education, not operated for profit.
   (D)   Area and bulk requirements. Requirements limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, maximum density permitted, and minimum yard setbacks are set forth in § 155.061.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)
   (A)   Intent. The intent of the RM-1 Multiple-Family Residential Districts is to address the varied housing needs of the city residents by providing locations for development of multiple-family housing at a higher density than is permitted in the single-family districts. In addressing those housing needs, multiple-family housing in the RM-1 district should be designed in consideration of the following planning objectives so as to provide a quality living environment:
      (1)   Provide necessary public services and utilities.
      (2)   Provided with useable outdoor recreation space.
      (3)   Sided to units respecting the public street, and conducive to a public area.
      (4)   Provided with connections to the public sidewalk system.
      (5)   Provided with a well-designed internal street and pedestrian walk network.
      (6)   Compatible in scale and character with surrounding or nearby one-family housing.
   (B)   Principal uses permitted. In the RM-1 District, no building or land, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be erected or used except for one or more of the following specified purposes and shall be permitted subject to the review and approval of the site plan by the Planning Commission. Such review of the site plan is required to find proper relationships between development features, traffic safety, adverse effects upon adjacent properties, service roads, driveways, pedestrian sidewalk system, parking areas, accessory buildings and uses and open space.
      (1)   All principal uses permitted in the RM Restricted Multiple-Family Residential Districts with the lot area, yards and floor area requirements equal to at least the requirements of the immediately abutting residential district.
      (2)   Multiple-family dwellings and townhomes (three stories or less) subject to the conditions imposed in §§ 155.111 through 155.142, Special Land Use Standards.
      (3)   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any of the above uses provided that they shall be designed and located as permitted in §§ 155.071 through 155.082, General Development Standards.
      (4)   Child and adult foster care for six or less persons as licensed by the state.
      (5)   Nameplates and signs as provided in §§ 155.231 through 155.252, Signs.
      (6)   Automobile parking space to be provided as required in §§ 155.071 through 155.082, General Development Standards.
      (7)   Businesses offering instruction in crafts and the fine arts.
   (C)   Special land uses. The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions set forth in this subchapter, §§ 155.111 through 155.142, Special Land Use Standards, and all applicable codes and ordinances set forth in this chapter and other codes and regulations hereinafter imposed for each use. The following uses are subject further to the review and approval of the Planning Commission per standards set forth in this chapter:
      (1)   Child and adult foster care serving more than seven but fewer than twelve persons.
      (2)   Nursery schools, day nurseries and child care centers (not including dormitories).
      (3)   General hospitals, except those for criminals and those solely for the treatment of persons who are mentally ill or have contagious disease, with no maximum height restrictions.
      (4)   Senior housing, assisted living and other similar types of housing for the elderly.
      (5)   Religious institutions and other facilities normally incidental thereto.
      (6)   Multiple-family dwelling units in high rise structures (four stories or greater).
      (7)   Amateur radio antenna, subject to regulations of §§ 155.211 through 155.217, Wireless Communication Towers and Antennas.
      (8)   Nursing and convalescent homes.
      (9)   Utility and public service buildings without storage yards.
      (10)   Public, parochial and other private elementary, intermediate schools and/or high schools offering courses in general education, not operated for profit.
   (D)   Area and bulk requirements. Requirements limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, maximum density permitted, and minimum yard setbacks are set forth in § 155.061.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)
   (A)   Intent. The O-1 Office Building District is designed to accommodate office uses that provide limited impact on adjacent residential neighborhoods. These districts are intended to be located adjacent to major shopping centers or other large establishments generating greater volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
   (B)   Principal uses permitted. The following regulations shall apply in all O-1 Districts and no building, structure or premises, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be erect altered or used except for one or more of the following uses:
      (1)   Office buildings for any of the following occupations: executive, administrative and professional, subject to the limitations contained below in division (D) below.
      (2)   Medical and dental offices, including clinics, but excluding substance abuse treatment centers.
      (3)   Publicly owned buildings, exchanges and public utility offices, but not including storage yards, transformer stations, substations or gas regulator stations, subject to the limitations contained below in division (D) below.
      (4)   Other uses similar to the above uses.
      (5)   Publicly owned libraries, post offices, and similar government offices.
      (6)   Accessory buildings and structures.
      (7)   Accessory uses and businesses.
      (8)   Automobile parking space to be provided as required in §§ 155.071 through 155.082.
   (C)   Special land uses. The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions set forth in this subchapter, §§ 155.111 through 155.142, Special Land Use Standards and all applicable codes and ordinances set forth in this chapter and other codes and regulations hereinafter imposed for each use. The following uses are subject further to the review and approval of the Planning Commission per standards set forth in this chapter:
      (1)   An accessory use customarily related to a principal use authorized by this section, such as a pharmacy or apothecary shop, stores limited to corrective garments or bandages, optical company or restaurant may be permitted, provided it is within the building to which it is accessory and does not have a direct outside entrance for customers.
      (2)   Nursing and convalescent homes.
      (3)   Amateur radio antenna, subject to regulations of §§ 155.211 through 155.217, Wireless Communication Towers and Antennas.
      (4)   Utility and public service buildings without storage yards.
      (5)   Nursery schools.
   (D)   Required conditions.
      (1)   No interior display shall be visible from the exterior of the building, and the total area devoted to display, including both the objects displayed and the floor space set aside for persons observing the displayed objects, shall not exceed 25% of the usable floor area or either the first or second story, or in the basement.
      (2)   The outdoor storage of goods or materials shall be prohibited.
      (3)   Warehousing or indoor storage of goods or material, beyond that normally incident to the above permitted uses, shall be prohibited.
   (E)   Area and bulk requirements. For requirements limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements see § 155.061.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)
Publisher's Note: This Section has been AMENDED by new legislation (Resolution No. 04-23-059R, adopted 4-17-2023). The text of the amendment will be incorporated below when the ordinance is codified.
   (A)   Intent. The intent of the B-1 Local Business Districts is to provide residential scale convenience shopping and personal service uses to meet the day-to-day needs of persons. Uses exhibiting low intensity, limited hours of operation, low volumes of traffic, low noise levels and developed at scale and character of nearby neighborhoods are intended for the B-1 District.
   (B)   Principal uses permitted. The following regulations shall apply in all B-1 Districts and no building, structure or premises, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be erected, altered or used except for one or more of the following specified uses:
      (1)   Generally recognized retail business which supplies commodities on the premises, for persons residing in adjacent residential areas, such as but not limited to: groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, or hardware. All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers.
      (2)   Personal service establishment which performs services on the premises, such as but not limited to: repair shops (watches, radio, television, shoe, and the like) tailor shops, beauty parlors or barber shops, photographic studios, and self-service laundries.
      (3)   Dry cleaning establishments or pick-up stations dealing directly with consumers. Central dry cleaning plants serving more than one retail outlet shall be prohibited.
      (4)   Other uses similar to the above uses.
      (5)   Accessory structures and uses customarily incident to the above permitted uses, provided that they shall be designed and located as permitted in §§ 155.071 through 155.082, General Development Standards.
      (6)    Automobile parking space to be provided as required in §§ 155.071 through 155.082, General Development Standards.
      (7)   Murals.
   (C)   Required conditions.
      (1)   All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers.
      (2)   A restroom shall be provided for public use for all retail establishments in excess of 12,000 square feet of gross floor area.
   (D)   Special land uses. The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions set forth in this subchapter, §§ 155.111 through 155.142, Special Land Use Standards, and all applicable codes and ordinances set forth in this chapter and other codes and regulations hereinafter imposed for each use. The following uses are subject further to the review and approval of the Planning Commission per standards set forth in this chapter:
      (1)   Mixed-use business and residential buildings.
      (2)   Nursery schools, day nurseries and child care centers (not including dormitories).
      (3)   Amateur radio antenna, subject to regulations of §§ 155.211 through 155.217, Wireless Communication Towers and Antennas.
      (4)   Utility and public service buildings without storage yards.
      (5)   Publicly owned buildings without storage yards.
      (6)   Medical marijuana provisioning centers subject to the regulations of § 155.148.
      (7)   Religious institutions.
   (E)   Area and bulk requirements. Requirements limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, maximum density permitted, and minimum yard setbacks are set forth in § 155.061.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17 ; Am. Ord. 873, passed 11-19-18)   
Publisher's Note: This Section has been AMENDED by new legislation (Resolution No. 04-23-059R, adopted 4-17-2023). The text of the amendment will be incorporated below when the ordinance is codified.
   (A)   Intent. The Thoroughfare Mixed-Use District intends to provide for a mixed-use environment of business and higher density residential land uses. The district further intends to permit business establishments that balance both the convenience and comparison shopping needs of neighboring residents. These uses are more intensive than those permitted in the B-1 Local Business District, but not large scale vehicle dominated establishments as found in the B-3 General Business District. Because of the variety of business types and residential dwellings permitted, critical attention must be focused on site layout, building design, vehicular circulation, and coordination of site features between adjoining sites. Development should be:
      (1)   Designed as part of a planned shopping center or in coordination with development on adjoining commercial sites.
      (2)   Larger than in B-1 Districts.
      (3)   Located away from sensitive residential areas.
      (4)   Contributing to the development of a unified district in scale and character.
      (5)   Served by and connected to a major thoroughfare.
   (B)   Principal uses permitted. The following regulations shall apply in all B-2 Districts and no building, structure or premises, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be erected, altered or used except for one or more of the following specified uses:
      (1)   Any retail business or service establishment permitted in B-1 Districts as principally permitted.
      (2)   All retail business, service establishments or processing uses as follows:
         (a)   Any retail business whose principal activity is the sale of merchandise in an enclosed building.
         (b)   Any service establishment of an office, showroom or workshop nature of an electrician, decorator, dressmaker, tailor, baker, painter, upholsterer, or an establishment doing radio or home appliance repair, photographic reproduction and similar service establishments that require a retail adjunct.
      (3)   Private clubs, fraternal organizations and lodge halls, subject to the requirements of § 155.218.
      (4)   Standard restaurants.
      (5)   Business establishments that perform services on the premises, such as but not limited to banks, loan companies, insurance offices, and real estate offices.
      (6)   Professional services, including the following: medical clinics (outpatient only), and offices of doctors, dentists, osteopaths, and similar or allied professions.
      (7)   Post office and similar governmental office buildings, serving persons living in the adjacent residential area.
      (8)   Office buildings for any of the following occupations: executive, administrative and professional, writing, clerical, stenographic, drafting and sales, subject to the limitations contained below in division (C) of this section.
      (9)   Medical and dental offices, including clinics and laboratories, but excluding substance abuse centers.
      (10)   Publicly owned buildings, exchanges and public utility offices, but not including storage yards, transformer stations, substations or gas regulator stations, subject to the limitations contained below in division (D) of this section.
      (11)   Veterinary hospitals and clinics.
      (12)   Dance schools, music and voice schools, and art studios.
      (13)   Art shops, photographic studios design studios and other similar uses.
      (14)   Office equipment and sales.
      (15)   Reproduction services where the primary use is serving walk-in customers with small volume copying or word processing services, not including blueprinting and similar industrial type operations.
      (16)   Personal service establishments, including barber shops, beauty shops, health salons and similar uses.
      (17)   Town homes (three stories or less).
      (18)   Multiple-family dwellings (three stories or less).
      (19)   Other uses similar to the above uses.
      (20)   Accessory structures and uses customarily incident to the above permitted uses provided that they shall be designed and located as permitted in §§ 155.071 through 155.082, General Development Standards.
      (21)   Mortuaries.
      (22)   Automobile parking space to be provided as required in §§ 155.071 through 155.082.
      (23)   Temporary pop-up commercial use.
      (24)   Passenger bus stations.
      (25)   Mobile food vending unit.
      (26)   Mobile food court/park.
   (C)   Required conditions.
      (1)   All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced.
      (2)   All business, servicing or processing, except for off-street parking, loading and those open air uses indicated as being subject to special land use in division (D) below, shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings.
      (3)   Site plans shall be planned so as to recognize the front, rear, and side relationship of adjacent development. The Planning Commission and Council may recommend physical features to be provided which will insure harmony in these yard relationships.
      (4)   A restroom shall be provided for public use for all retail establishments in excess of 12,000 square feet of gross floor area.
   (D)   Special land use. The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions set forth in this subchapter, §§ 155.111 through 155.142, Special Land Use Standards and all applicable codes and ordinances set forth in this chapter and other codes and regulations hereinafter imposed for each use. The following uses are subject further to the review and approval of the Planning Commission per standards set forth in this chapter:
      (1)   Open air business uses when developed in planned relationship with permitted uses within the B-2 District.
      (2)   Bowling alley, billiard hall, indoor archery range, or indoor skating rink, or similar forms of indoor commercial recreation when located at least 100 feet from any front, rear or side yard of any residential lot in an adjacent residential district. Firearm ranges are expressly prohibited.
      (3)   Public utility buildings, telephone exchange buildings, electric transformer stations and substations, gas regulator stations with service yards but without storage yards, water and sewage pumping stations.
      (4)   Automobile service centers, when developed as part of a larger planned shopping center designed so as to integrate the automobile service center within the site plan and architecture of the total shopping center; and provided further that a building permit shall not be issued separately for the construction of any automobile service center within the B-2 District.
      (5)   Nursing and convalescent homes.
      (6)   Senior housing, assisted living and similar types of housing for the elderly not to exceed a height of three stories.
      (7)   Carry-out, fast food, drive-thru or drive-in restaurants.
      (8)   Mixed-use business and residential buildings.
      (9)   Business schools and colleges, or vocational training centers, such as trade schools.
      (10)   Nursery schools, day nurseries and child care centers.
      (11)   Theaters, assembly halls, concert halls or similar places of assembly when conducted within enclosed buildings, subject to the requirements of § 155.218.
      (12)   Private schools operated for profit.
      (13)   Amateur radio antenna, subject to regulations of §§ 155.211 through 155.217, Wireless Communication Towers and Antennas.
      (14)   Utility and public service buildings without storage yards.
      (15)   Public, parochial and other private elementary, intermediate schools and/or high schools offering courses in general education, not operated for profit.
      (16)   Tattoo parlors.
      (17)   Charitable gaming room subject to the regulations of § 155.145.
      (18)   Medical marijuana provisioning centers subject to the regulations of § 155.148.
      (19)   Second hand stores.
      (20)   Religious institutions.
      (21)   Bar or lounge.
   (E)   Area and bulk requirements. Requirements limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, maximum density permitted, and minimum yard setbacks are set forth in § 155.061.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. 830, passed 12-21-09; Am. Ord. 836, passed 2-21-11; Am. Ord. 838, passed 8-15-11; Am. Ord. 855, passed 9-21-15; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17 ; Am. Ord. 872, passed 11-15-18)