§ 155.074 WALLS.
   For those use districts and uses listed below, there shall be provided and maintained on those sides abutting or adjacent to a residential district an obscuring wall as required below in Table 5-2:
RM-1 and PD Districts, (where abutting any single-family to two-family residential districts)
5 feet high wall
Off-street parking or loading areas
4 feet, 6 inches to 6 feet, 0 inches
O-1, B-1, B-2, B-3 Districts
6 feet, 0 inches high wall
M-1 Districts, open storage areas, loading or unloading areas, service areas
6 feet, 0 inches to 8 feet, 0 inches high wall
Hospital, ambulance and delivery areas
6 feet, 0 inches high wall
Utility buildings, stations and/or substations; except that in cases where all equipment is contained within a building or structure constructed so as to be similar in appearance to the residential building in the surrounding area, the Planning Commission may waive the wall requirements.
6 feet, 0 inches high wall
Wireless communications facilities
Requirements specified in §§ 155.211 through 155.217
Mechanical and electrical equipment
Height equal to objects being screened
Waste receptacles (dumpsters)
Height one foot taller than waste receptacle. See § 155.075 for additional requirements
   (A)   Required walls shall be located on the lot line except where underground utilities interfere and except in instances where this chapter requires conformance with front yard setback lines in abutting residential districts. Required walls may, upon approval of the Planning Commission, be located on the opposite side of an alley right-of-way from a nonresidential zone that abuts a residential zone when mutually agreeable to affected property owners. The continuity of the required wall on a given block will be a major consideration of the Planning Commission in reviewing such request.
   (B)   Such walls and screening barriers shall have no openings for vehicular traffic or other purposes, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, and except such openings as may be approved by the Chief of Police and the Building Official or other official responsible for code enforcement. All walls herein required shall be constructed of materials approved by the Building Official or other official responsible for code enforcement to be durable, weather-resistant, rustproof and easily maintained. Wood, wood products, recycled garage doors and sheet metal may be specifically excluded.
   (C)   Corner clearance. Obscuring walls shall comply with the specifications for maintenance of unobstructed sight distance for drivers as set forth in § 155.073(B).
   (D)   Substitution or waiver. As a substitute for a required obscuring wall, the Planning Commission may, in its review of the site plan, approve the use of other existing or proposed living or man-made landscape features (such as closely spaced evergreens) that would produce substantially the same results in terms of screening, durability, and permanence. Any substitute screening shall comply with the applicable requirements as set forth in § 155.073.
   (E)   In consideration of requests to waive or modify wall requirements, the Planning Commission shall refer the request to the Community Development Director, City Planner, and/or Police Chief for a recommendation.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)