(A) No drive-in, fast food, or carry-out restaurant, as measured from the nearest property line shall be located within 500 feet from an elementary, junior or senior high school or from a public park.
(C) Points of vehicular ingress and egress shall be limited to an adjacent major thoroughfare only and site plans shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission for location and design of curb cuts and driveways and for layout of parking lots.
(D) The minimum width of driveways at the property line shall be 24 feet and not greater than 30 feet.
(E) The minimum distance of any driveway to a property line shall be 20 feet.
(F) The minimum distance between driveways on the site shall be 75 feet measured from the two closest driveways’ curbs.
(G) The minimum distance between a driveway and a street intersection shall be 60 feet measured from the intersection of the street right-of-way to the nearest end of the curb radius.
(H) Businesses adjacent to or integrated in a shopping center on cluster of commercial facilities shall use the common access with other business establishments in that center.
(I) The entire parking area shall be paved with a permanent surface of concrete or asphalt and shall be graded and drained in accordance with city engineering standards. Any unpaved area on the site shall be landscaped with lawn or other horticultural materials, maintained in a neat and orderly fashion at all times and separated from the paved parking or driveway area by a raised curb or other equivalent barrier.
(J) Concrete curbing, six inches in height, shall be properly placed and maintained along or parallel to all property lines, except where bumper guards are required and except across an approved driveway, so as to prevent vehicular encroachment onto or over the public right-of-way and to prevent vehicular encroachment onto or over the adjoining property, or vehicular damage to the adjoining buildings.
(K) Food consumption upon the premises outside the fast-food and carry-out restaurant building shall be prohibited unless permanent outside facilities are provided. The premises shall be properly posted with signs stating that the consumption of foods, frozen desserts or beverages within vehicles parked upon the premises is unlawful and that violators are subject to fines as prescribed by law. A minimum of two such signs shall be posted within the building near the checkout counter of the restaurant and a minimum of four such signs shall be posted within the parking area so as to be clearly visible from all vehicles on the premises.
(L) All outside trash receptacles, except those intended for use by the customer, shall be located within an enclosure constructed or opaque masonry materials a minimum or four feet and a maximum or six feet in height and shall be provided with opaque gates or the same height.
(M) During the period when a drive-in restaurant, fast-food restaurant, or carry-out restaurant is vacated, closed, or otherwise not opened for business for more than 30 consecutive days, the owner, franchise holder, or lessee shall be subject to complying with the following regulations:
(1) Vehicular parking and storage shall be prohibited at all times anywhere on the premises. The owner, franchise holder, or lessee shall post a sign or signs on the premises, giving notice that all parked or stored vehicles are subject to ticketing and removal by the city at the vehicle owner’s expense. In addition, the owner, franchise holder, or lessee, whoever is in possession, is subject to ticketing if unlawful parked or stored vehicles are permitted on the premises by consent of the owner, franchise holder, or lessee. The city shall have the right of entry to subject property for the purpose of accomplishing said ticketing and removal.
(2) The ground shall be kept free of rubbish and debris, and the grass, if any, shall be well kept and cut as necessary so as to present a neat and attractive appearance at all times.
(3) Within 50 days of such closing, all curb cuts across driveway entrances and all other points of ingress and egress to the premises shall be closed to vehicular traffic by properly placed and secure precast concrete wheel-stops or the equivalent, as may be approved by the city.
(N) A six-foot high completely obscuring wall shall be provided where abutting any residentially zoned district. The height of the wall shall be measured from the surface of the ground. Said wall shall further meet the requirements of § 155.074, Walls.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
(A) Each unit shall contain at least a bedroom and bath and a minimum gross floor area of 250 square feet.
(B) Both motels and hotels shall provide customary services associated with temporary lodging, such as maid service, linen service, the use of furniture, telephone, and/or desk service. In addition, hotels may offer room service, banquet halls, meeting rooms, and attached restaurant or lounge.
(C) Kitchen facilities may be provided in new motels or hotels upon demonstration by the applicant that the provisions of all applicable fire prevention and building codes have been met. No existing motel units shall be converted for use of cooking and/or kitchen facilities unless the applicant can demonstrate compliance with all applicable fire prevention and building codes and obtains a certificate of occupancy or certificate of re-occupancy for each unit being converted.
(D) No guest shall establish permanent residence for more than 30 days within any calendar year.
(E) A room cannot be rerented within a 24-hour period.
(F) Access shall be from a major thoroughfare.
(G) See § 155.029, Definitions, for definitions of hotel and motel.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)
(A) No activity other than rental of storage units shall be allowed. No commercial, wholesale, retail, industrial or other business activity shall be conducted from the facility.
(B) The storage of any toxic, explosive, corrosive, flammable or hazardous materials is prohibited. Fuel tanks on any motor vehicle, boat, lawn mower or similar property will be drained or removed prior to storage. Batteries shall be removed from vehicles before storage.
(C) All storage including vehicles of any kind shall be contained within a completely enclosed building.
(D) Exterior walls of the ends of all storage units shall be of masonry or face-brick construction.
(E) All storage units must be accessible by paved circular drives clearly marked to distinguish traffic flow. A minimum 24 foot drives shall be provided between buildings. Site circulation shall be designed to accommodate fire trucks, as well as trucks that will customarily access the site.
(F) A demonstrated means of security and management shall be provided.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
(A) The lot or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable and dustless surface, and shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area.
(B) Ingress and egress to the outdoor sales area shall be at least 60 feet from the intersection of any two streets.
(C) No major repair or major refinishing shall be done on the premises.
(D) All lighting shall be shielded from adjacent residential districts.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
(A) There shall be no strings of flags, pennants, inflatables, or bare light bulbs permitted.
(B) A landscaped greenbelt measuring a minimum of ten feet in width shall be provided. No vehicles or merchandise shall be displayed within the required greenbelt.
(D) There shall be no broadcast of continuous music or announcements over any loudspeaker or public address system.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)
(A) Ingress and egress shall be provided so as not to conflict with adjacent business uses or adversely affect traffic flow on a major thoroughfare.
(B) Outdoor storage areas shall be screened from public view by an obscuring wall, the extent of which shall be determined by the Planning Commission on the basis of land usage, provided such wall shall not be less than four and one-half feet in height, and further subject to the provisions of § 155.074, Walls, or a planting screen at least 20 feet in width and subject to the provisions of § 155.073, Site design features.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
(A) Shall be developed in a planned relationship and accessory to a permitted use within the B-2 and B-3 Business Districts.
(B) Retail sales of plant material not grown on the site, and sales of lawn furniture, playground equipment and garden supplies are permitted provided that such uses shall be located in a side yard.
(C) Such area shall be enclosed with a decorative fence. The Planning Commission, upon recommendation of the City Planner, may permit exterior gates when plans demonstrate that pedestrian and vehicle hazards are addressed.
(D) Loose landscape and building material, such as sand, stone and other similar material shall be prohibited.
(E) The display or storage of for sale or rental equipment shall be prohibited.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
(A) The research and development activities occur at the location or at an adjacent site.
(B) Development activities are confined to the assembly of technical equipment, remanufactured finished objects or components to be used for the development of prototype, non-routine production of innovative products or equipment. Machining shall be permitted on a limited basis for research and development activities, administration and/or training in enclosed areas.
(C) Assembly and machining operations, shipping and receiving, loading and unloading, development and demonstration laboratories, storage of inventory and refuse and any mechanical equipment must be completely enclosed.
(D) A minimum front yard setback of 35 feet or the established setback containing open space (left in its natural state or landscaped) shall be provided and contain no parking or other surface improvements except sidewalk or signage.
(E) A six-foot high obscuring wall, landscape berm and/or fence with evergreen plantings shall be provided between residential and nonresidential districts. If substantial natural vegetation or topographic features exist that provide a natural visual barrier, these features may qualify for screening if approved by the Planning Commission.
(F) No outside storage or any materials, equipment, trash or waste shall be permitted. The Planning Commission, upon recommendation of the City Planner, may modify this requirement where such storage area is not abutting a residentially zoned district, completely enclosed by a six-foot opaque masonry wall, strictly contain products ready for shipment and pre-packaged in closed containers or wrapping.
(G) Loading/unloading shall be permitted only with a completely enclosed building. No outside loading/unloading shall be permitted and all vehicles being loaded or unloaded must be entirely within the building.
(H) Building-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened in a way that is compatible with the building’s design.
(I) Parking lot must be designed, located and screened with berm or landscaping to minimize the visual effect on adjacent properties and public streets.
(J) Security fences are permitted, provided they are screened where adjacent to residentially zoned land.
(K) Exterior materials shall be compatible with the overall building complex. Building and architectural design shall be subject to review by the Planning Commission.
(L) The minimum front yard setback is 35 feet for a building height of 35 feet. Any increases in building height above 35 feet shall require additional setback of ten feet in depth equal to the height of the structure is subject to a public hearing before the Planning Commission and approval by City Council.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
(A) The minimum lot size for junk yards shall be ten acres.
(B) A minimum setback of 250 feet shall be maintained between the front property line and the portion of the lot on which junk materials shall be set back and at least 250 feet from any road right-of-way line.
(C) The entire junk yard site shall be screened with an eight-foot masonry obscuring wall. The wall shall be uniformly painted and maintained in neat appearance, and shall not have any signs or symbols painted on it.
(D) All roads, driveways, parking lots, and loading and unloading areas shall be paved or treated in a manner approved by the Building Official or other official responsible for code enforcement so as to confine any wind-borne dust within the boundaries of the site.
(E) All applications for junk yards must receive the approval of the City Council. The Planning Commission shall determine no such approval.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
2002 S-10