(A) Powers and duties. The City Council shall have the following powers and duties prescribed under this chapter:
(1) Zoning Ordinance text amendments. Review petitions and Planning Commission recommendations for text amendments to this chapter and take final action to approve, approve with conditions or deny such petitions.
(2) Zoning map amendments (rezoning). Review petitions and Planning Commission recommendations for amendments to the zoning map and take final action to approve or deny such petitions.
(3) Planned unit development rezoning. Review petitions and Planning Commission recommendations for amendments to the zoning map and take final action to approve, approve with conditions or deny such petitions.
(4) Planned unit development site plan submission. Review applications and Planning Commission recommendations for site plan and condominium documents and take final action to approve, approve with conditions or deny such preliminary site plans and condominium documents.
(5) Special land use. Review applications and Planning Commission recommendations and take action to approve, approve with conditions or deny such petitions.
(6) Regulated uses. Review applications and Planning Commission recommendations and take action to approve with conditions or deny such petitions.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)
(A) Establishment. The City Planning Commission is hereby designated as the zoning commission specified in Section 4 of Act 207 of the Public Acts of 1921, and shall perform the duties of said zoning commission as provided in the statute in connection with the amendment of this chapter.
(1968 Code, § 9-189) (Ord. 500, passed 1-5-1976)
(B) Powers and duties. The Planning Commission shall have the following powers and duties as prescribed under this chapter:
(1) Zoning Ordinance text amendments. Submit petitions or provide recommendations on submitted petitions to City Council.
(2) Zoning map amendments (rezoning). Submit petitions or provide recommendations on submitted petitions to the zoning map to City Council.
(3) Planned development rezoning. Provide recommendations on submitted petitions for amendments to the zoning map to City Council.
(4) Planned development submission. Review applications and provide recommendations for site plan and condominium documents to City Council.
(5) Special land uses. Review applications and provide recommendations to City Council.
(6) Site plan submission. The City Planning Commission has the power and authority to review and approve, approve with conditions or deny site plans as specified in § 155.287, Standards for site plan review in addition to the following guidelines:
(a) In cases where the City Planning Commission is empowered to approve specific land uses or site plans under the provisions of this chapter, the applicant shall furnish surveys, plans or other information as required by § 155.286, Site plan review, to permit the Planning Commission proper consideration of the matter.
(b) The Planning Commission shall investigate the circumstances of each case and shall notify such parties who may, in its opinion, be affected thereby of the time and place of any hearing which may be held relative thereto as required under its rules of procedure and § 155.291, Public hearing notification, when applicable.
(c) The Planning Commission may impose such conditions or limitations in granting approval as may in its judgment be necessary to fulfill the spirit and intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17; Am. Ord. 863, passed 10-2-17)
(A) Powers and duties. The Community Development Department (CDD) shall have the following powers and duties as prescribed under this chapter:
(1) Application procedure. The CDD shall distribute applications for site plan review on a form approved by City Administration, as may be amended periodically by City Council. The CDD shall receive completed applications and applicable fees. CDD personnel shall review applications, site plan submissions and other required or requested information for completeness. Submissions deemed incomplete will not be processed and returned with written explanation to the applicant.
(2) Pre-application planning meetings. The CDD shall meet with an applicant to provide guidance when requested. Consultants may be included and invoiced to the applicant for their time and expenses.
(3) Recommendations of other departments, agencies and consultants. The CDD shall distribute information on specific submissions to appropriate departments, agencies and consultants for review when deemed advisable. The CDD shall collect necessary information and reviews and distribute to the Planning Commission or City Council, when applicable. CDD personnel may provide a summary. The CDD Director has the authority to utilize engineering, planning, legal and other consultants when deemed necessary.
(4) Administrative site plan review. The CDD shall review and take final action to approve, approve with conditions or deny site plans as empowered in § 155.286, Site plan review.
(5) Written interpretations. Provide written interpretations of the text of this chapter.
(6) Master Plan. The CDD shall serve as the keeper of the official City Master Plan.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)