   (A)   All dimensional requirements as set forth in this chapter and other city codes, including, but not limited to, parking, loading, height, setbacks and lot coverage are met.
   (B)   All landscape, screening, site lighting and other ordinance requirements are met.
   (C)   The types of businesses as permitted as a principal use in the B-1 Business District may be permitted. Such uses shall be located on the grade level floor.
   (D)   Residential apartments meet the minimum space requirements as established by zoning and building codes.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
   (A)   No maximum height restrictions will apply when all conditions of this section are met.
   (B)   All such hospitals shall be developed only on sites consisting of at least ten acres in area.
   (C)   The proposed site shall have at least one property line abutting a major thoroughfare (a thoroughfare of at least 120 feet of right-of-way, existing or proposed). All ingress and egress to the off-street parking area, for guests, employees, staff, as well as any other uses of the facilities, shall be directly from a major thoroughfare.
   (D)   The minimum distance of any main or accessory building from abounding lot lines or streets shall be at least 100 feet for front, rear and side yards for all two-story structures. For every story above two, the minimum yard distance shall be increased by at least 20 feet.
   (E)   Ambulance and delivery areas shall be obscured from all residential view with a wall six feet in height, and said wall shall be further subject to the requirements of § 155.074. Ingress and egress to the site shall be directly from a major thoroughfare.
   (F)   Facilities treating criminal persons and those solely treating persons that are mentally ill or have contagious diseases are not permitted.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
   Automobile service station may provide for the sale of gasoline, oil and minor accessories only, and where no repair work is done other than incidental service, but not including steam cleaning or under coating, vehicle body repair, painting, tire recapping, engine rebuilding, auto dismantling, upholstery, glass work and such other activities whose external effects could adversely extend beyond the property line. Automobile service stations are permitted only in a B-3 District, subject to special land use.
   (A)   The minimum lot area shall be 15,000 square feet and so arranged that ample space is available for motor vehicles which are required to wait.
   (B)   Such uses shall have a minimum frontage along the principal street of 120 feet.
   (C)   No such use shall be located nearer than 500 feet from any church, public or private school, or playground, as measured from the property line.
   (D)   All driveways providing ingress to or egress from a filling or service station shall be not more than 30 feet wide at the property line. No more than one curb opening shall be permitted for each 50 feet of frontage or major fraction thereof along any street, maximum of two. No driveway or curb opening shall be located nearer than 25 feet to any corner or exterior lot line. No driveway shall be located nearer than 30 feet to any other driveway serving the site. The curb cuts for ingress and egress to a service station shall not be permitted at such locations that will tend to create traffic hazards in the streets immediately adjacent thereto.
   (E)   Separation shall be made between the pedestrian sidewalk and vehicular parking and maneuvering areas with the use of curbs, wheel stops, greenbelts or traffic islands. A raised curb of six inches in height shall be erected along all street lot lines, except for driveway openings.
   (F)   Gasoline pumps shall be located not less than 15 feet from any lot line, and shall be arranged so that motor vehicles do not park upon or overhang any public sidewalk, street or right-of-way while waiting for or receiving fuel service.
   (G)   A filling or service station shall have no more than eight gasoline pumps and two enclosed stalls for servicing, lubricating, greasing and/or washing motor vehicles. An additional two gasoline pumps and/or one enclosed stall may be included for each additional 2,000 square feet of lot area above the minimum area set forth in this section.
   (H)   A filling station shall provide a sprinkler system to extinguish a fire in an emergency situation.
   (I)   All lighting, including illuminated signs, shall be shielded from adjacent residential districts. Canopy lights shall be totally recessed into the lower ceiling plane. Provisions of § 155.076 shall be complied with.
   (J)   Automobile service stations at the date of this chapter may be allowed to expand to include vehicle laundries when located in a completely enclosed building, providing the following conditions are met:
      (1)   All the conditions regulating service stations in §§ 121.55 through 121.75 are met.
      (2)   All conditions of § 155.077, Off-street parking, are met.
      (3)   There shall be a 25-foot setback where cars exit wash.
      (4)   All provisions of §§ 155.071 through 155.082, General Development Standards, shall be complied with.
   (K)   Vehicle sales shall not be permitted on the premises.
   (L)   Outdoor storage or parking of vehicles, except for two private automobiles per indoor stall or service area of the facility, shall be prohibited between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
   (M)   All such uses erected after the effective date of this chapter shall comply with all requirements of this section and with the fire prevention code.
   (N)   Owners and operators of service stations or garages providing for the self-service dispensing of flammable liquids by persons other than the owner, lessee, tenant, agent, servant, or authorized employees shall comply with all applicable provisions of the city adopted building code, the fire prevention code of the city, N.F.P.A. Standards, and the Michigan State Police Fire Marshal flammable liquid regulations. Wherever any conflict exists in the above codes, the stricter of the provisions shall apply.
   (O)   A restroom shall be provided for public use.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)