Publisher's Note: This Section has been AMENDED by new legislation (Resolution No. 04-23-059R, adopted 4-17-2023). The text of the amendment will be incorporated below when the ordinance is codified.
(A) Intent. The intent of the B-3 General Business District intends to provide locations for development of businesses which cater primarily to the comparison shopping needs of the city’s and surrounding communities’ residents on an intermittent or semi-monthly or greater basis. Convenience type commercial uses are permitted in combination with the predominant comparison uses in planned shopping center developments where a combination of such uses is considered appropriate based on the desired economic function and quality and range of businesses in the B-3 District.
(B) Principal uses permitted. The following regulations shall apply to all B-3 Districts and no building, structure or premises, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be erected, altered or used except for one or more of the following specified uses:
(1) Any retail business or service establishment permitted in B-2 Districts as principally permitted.
(2) Mortuary establishments, when adequate assembly area is provided off-street for vehicles to be used in funeral procession; provided further that such assembly area shall be provided in addition to any required off-street parking area. A caretaker’s residence may be provided within the main building of mortuary establishments.
(3) Bus passenger stations.
(4) Governmental offices or other governmental use, public utility offices, exchange transformer stations, pump stations and service yards, but not including outdoor storage.
(5) Standard restaurants.
(6) Massage practitioner offices.
(7) Electronic data processing or computer centers.
(8) Bowling alley, billiard hall, indoor archery range, or indoor skating rink, or similar forms of indoor commercial recreation when located at least 100 feet from any residential lot in an adjacent residential district.
(9) Reproduction services where the primary use is serving walk-in customers with small volume copying or word processing services, not including blueprinting and similar industrial type operations.
(10) Veterinary hospitals or clinics provided all activities are conducted within a totally enclosed main building and provided further that no property line abuts a district zoned for residential use.
(11) Public utility buildings.
(13) Utility and public service buildings without storage yards.
(14) Computer and electronic data processing centers.
(16) Temporary pop-up commercial use.
(C) Required conditions.
(1) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers. All goods provided on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced.
(2) All business, servicing or processing, except for off-street parking, loading and those open air uses indicated as being subject to special land uses in division (D) below, shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings.
(3) Site plans shall be planned so as to recognize the front, rear, and side relationship of adjacent development. The Planning Commission and Council may recommend physical features to be provided which will insure harmony in these yard relationships.
(4) A restroom shall be provided for public use for all retail establishments in excess of 20,000 square feet of gross floor area.
(D) Special land uses. The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions set forth in this subchapter, §§ 155.111 through 155.142, Special Land Use Standards, and all applicable codes and ordinances set forth in this chapter and other codes and regulations hereinafter imposed for each use. The following uses are subject further to the review and approval of the Planning Commission per standards set forth in this chapter:
(1) All uses allowed in a B-2 District which shall be subject to the same special land use as in a B-2 District.
(2) Outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand vehicles or house trailers.
(3) Open air business uses for the retail sales of plant material not grown on the site, and sales of lawn furniture, playground equipment and garden supplies; provided further that such uses shall be located at the exterior end of the building mass.
(4) Adult supply stores.
(5) Adult motion picture theaters.
(6) Arcades.
(7) Bar or establishment for the sale of beer or intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises.
(8) Cabaret.
(9) Firearms sales establishments.
(10) Motels, inns and travel lodges.
(11) Hotels.
(12) Massage establishments.
(13) Pawnshops.
(14) Pool or billiard halls.
(15) Public lodging house, transient housing, rooming houses.
(16) Secondhand stores.
(17) Specially designated distributor (SDD).
(18) Specially designated merchant (SDM).
(19) Tattoo establishments.
(20) Carry-out, fast food, drive-thru or drive-in restaurants.
(21) Vehicle wash establishments, when completely enclosed in building.
(22) Commercial kennel provided all activities are conducted within a totally enclosed main building and provided further that no property line abuts a district zoned for residential use.
(23) Automobile service stations.
(24) Automobile service centers, when developed as part of a larger planned shopping center. The design shall integrate the automobile service center within the site plan and architectural character of the total shopping center. A building permit shall not be issued separately for the construction of any automobile service center.
(25) General hospitals, except those for criminals and those solely for the treatment of persons who are mentally ill or have contagious disease, with no maximum height.
(26) Greenhouse and florist operations involving the growing, wholesaling and/or retailing of plant materials.
(27) Nursing and convalescent homes.
(28) Theaters, assembly halls, concert halls or similar places of assembly when conducted within enclosed buildings, subject to the requirements of § 155.218.
(29) Business schools and colleges or private schools operated for profit.
(31) Research and development facilities.
(32) Manufactured housing communities, subject to requirements of § 155.140 of this chapter.
(33) Fast food restaurants without drive-thru service.
(34) Charitable gaming room subject to the regulations of § 155.145.
(35) Minor vehicle repair, subject to the regulations of § 155.128.
(36) Commercial warehouse, wholesale operations and distribution subject to the regulations of § 155.147.
(37) Medical marijuana provisioning centers subject to the regulations of § 155.148.
(38) Religious institutions.
(39) New and used vehicle and trailer indoor sales, showroom or office.
(40) Self-storage facilities.
(E) Area and bulk requirements. Requirements limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, maximum density permitted, and minimum yard setbacks are set forth in § 155.061.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. 836, passed 2-21-11; Am. Ord. 838, passed 8-15-11; Am. Ord. 845, passed 9-17-12; Am. Ord. 853, passed 1-5-15; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)