(A) Buildings of greater than the maximum height allowed in may be allowed, provided front, side and rear § 155.061, yards are increased above the minimum required yards by one foot for each foot of building height that exceeds the maximum height allowed.
(B) Wherever the off-street parking lot is adjacent to land zoned for residential purposes, a continuous and obscuring wall four and one-half feet in height shall be provided along the sides of the parking area adjacent to the residentially zoned land. The wall shall be further subject to the provisions of § 155.074.
(C) The site shall be so located as to have at least one property line abutting a major thoroughfare of not less than 86 feet of right-of-way width, either existing or proposed, and all ingress and egress to the site shall be directly onto said major thoroughfare or marginal access service drive thereof.
(D) Convalescent homes, currently abutting a thoroughfare of not less than 66 feet of right-of-way width, existing or proposed, may be allowed to expand or construct new facilities, provided other applicable portions of this chapter are complied with. All ingress and egress shall be directly onto said thoroughfare.
(E) The site shall be developed so as to create a land-to-building ratio on the lot or parcel whereby for each bed in the convalescent home there shall be provided not less than 1,500 square feet of open space. The 1,500 square feet of land area per bed shall provide for landscape setting, off-street parking, service drives, loading space, yard requirements, and space required for accessory uses. The 1,500 square feet requirement is over and above the building coverage area.
(F) No building shall be closer than 40 feet from any property line.
(G) Applicable licenses with the state shall be maintained.
(H) Review and approval of a site plan submitted to the Planning Commission pursuant to the conditions imposed under § 155.286, Site plan review.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
The following conditions shall apply to all religious institutions, including religious institutions, synagogues, temples, and any associated structures utilized for educational purposes:
(A) Buildings of greater than the maximum height allowed in § 155.061 may be allowed, provided front, side and rear yards are increased above the minimum required yards by one foot for each foot of building height that exceeds the maximum height allowed.
(B) Wherever the off-street parking lot is adjacent to land zoned for residential purposes, a continuous and obscuring wall four and one-half feet in height shall be provided along the sides of the parking area adjacent to the residentially zoned land. The wall shall be further subject to the provisions of § 155.074.
(C) The site shall be so located as to have at least one property line abutting a major thoroughfare of not less than 86 feet of right-of-way width, either existing or proposed, and all ingress and egress to the site shall be directly onto said major thoroughfare or a marginal access service drive thereof.
(D) Religious institutions currently abutting a thoroughfare of not less than 66 feet of right-of-way width, existing or proposed, may be allowed to expand or construct new facilities, provided other applicable portions of the chapter are complied with. All ingress and egress shall be directly onto said thoroughfare.
(E) Religious institutions shall not be located within 1,000 feet of a second church facility to eliminate traffic and parking disruptions as well as large physical and pedestrian voids to its residential and business districts.
(F) The minimum lot width shall be 150 feet.
(G) The minimum lot area shall be two acres.
(H) Off-street parking shall be prohibited in the front setback area and within 15 feet of the rear or side property line.
(I) Buildings shall be setback according to the following dimensions:
(1) Front yard: 50 feet
(2) Side yards: 25 feet
(3) Rear yard: 50 feet
(K) Religious institutions, other religious institutions and associated educational facilities shall be the sole use of the site and shall not be located in a multi-tenant building.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01; Am. Ord. passed 2-20-17)
(A) Designed and constructed as a planned development of cottage-type dwellings and/or apartment-type dwellings consisting of at least three acres.
(B) Shall not exceed three stories in height.
(C) Contain common services, but not limited to, central dining rooms, recreational rooms, a central lounge and workshops.
(D) Consist of at least 150 square feet per unit with separate and distinct bedrooms (not including kitchen and sanitary facilities).
(E) Total coverage of all buildings (including dwelling units and related service buildings) shall not exceed 25% of the total site exclusive of any dedicated public right-of-way.
(F) Have at least one property line abutting a major thoroughfare of not less than 86 feet of right-of-way width, either existing or proposed, and all ingress and egress to the site shall be directly onto said major thoroughfare or marginal access service drive thereof.
(G) Contain a minimum site area of 2,000 square feet per bed.
(H) Have minimum yard setbacks from the perimeter property lines of 50 feet from any public road right-of-way, 75 feet from any adjacent property zoned R-1A, R-1B or R-1C, and 50 feet from all other property lines. Minimum spacing between buildings shall be as follows:
Distance Between Building | Feet |
Side/Side Orientation | 20 |
Side/Front, Side/Rear Orientation | 20 |
Front/Front, Front/Rear Orientation | 30 |
The Planning Commission, in their sole discretion, may reduce building spacing requirements where enclosed, heated walkways are provided and applicable building and fire code requirements are met.
(I) Designed and constructed according the following criteria:
(1) Maximum building height of three stories and 40 feet.
(2) No building shall exceed 250 feet in overall length, measured along any continuous elevation. The Planning Commission may permit buildings of greater length when it can be demonstrated that architectural design and natural and topographic features ensure that the building is in scale with the site and surrounding areas.
(3) Building facades of greater than 100 feet in length shall incorporate recesses or projections to break up the expanse of the building elevation.
(4) Architectural interest shall be provided through the use of repeating patterns of change in color, texture and material. All senior-housing facilities shall utilize residential exterior materials and design features.
(5) All roofs shall be sloped with a pitch of no less than 5:12. There shall be variations in rooflines to reduce the scale of the building and add interest.
(J) Lighting. All parking areas, building entrances, sidewalks, and ramps shall be illuminated to ensure the security of property and safety of persons using such areas, in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 155.076.
(L) Resident and emergency access. The drop off/pick up of residents shall be provided at the front entrance of the building with a covered canopy. Access to all entry/exit doors and all sides of a building shall be provided in a manner acceptable to the Planning Commission, based on a recommendation from the City Planner and Fire Department.
(M) Open space and recreational areas. Open space and recreation shall be provided in accordance with the following requirements:
(1) Total open space required shall be a minimum of 15% of the site exclusive of the land bank requirement of division (N) below.
(2) Recreation facilities including paved walkway and covered sitting areas shall be provided in a manner, which meet the needs of the resident population.
(O) Parking shall be calculated for a comparable multiple-family structure per requirements set forth in Table 5-2 in § 155.077, Off-street parking. The difference in land shall be banked as usable open space for the future parking needs to allow conversion to a standard multiple-family apartment use.
(P) The loading area shall be located in the side and rear yard areas only, screened from the view of any public thoroughfare and adjacent residential area and designed in a manner, which is appropriate for the function and vehicles it is intended to serve.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
(A) Any use permitted herein shall not be permitted on a lot or group of lots of record, except in those instances wherein 100% of the owners of property immediately abutting and 51% of the owners of property within 300 feet of any property line of the site herein proposed for development shall sign a petition indicating concurrence with the proposed use of said site. The petition shall be submitted to the City Council for its review.
(B) The proposed site for any of the uses permitted herein which would attract persons from, or are intended to serve, areas beyond the immediate neighborhood shall have at least one property line abutting a major thoroughfare of not less than 120 feet of right-of-way width, either existing or proposed, and the site shall be so planned as to provide all ingress and egress directly onto or from said major thoroughfare.
(C) Front, side and rear yards shall be at least 80 feet wide, and shall be landscaped in trees, shrubs and grass. All such landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy condition. There shall be no parking or structures permitted in these yards, except required entrance drives and those walls used to obscure the use from abutting residential districts.
(D) Off-street parking shall be provided so as to accommodate not less than one-half of the member families and/or individual members. Prior to the issuance of a building permit or zoning compliance permit, bylaws of the organization shall be provided in order to establish the membership involved for computing the off-street parking requirements.
(E) In those cases wherein the proposed use or organization does not have bylaws or formal membership, the Planning Commission on the basis of usage shall determine the off-street parking requirements. In all instances, off-street parking shall be subject to the provisions of § 155.077.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
(A) May be operated for profit or non-profit.
(B) The site shall be so planned as to provide all ingress and egress directly onto or from a major thoroughfare of not less than 120 feet of right-of-way width, either existing or proposed.
(C) The site plan shall be laid out to achieve a direct connection between a major thoroughfare and any proposed service roads, entrances, driveways and parking areas, which will encourage pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety.
(D) Development features including the principal and accessory buildings and structures shall be so located and sited so as to minimize the possibilities of any adverse affects upon adjacent property. This shall mean that all principal or accessory buildings shall be not less than 200 feet from any property line of abutting residentially zoned lands; provided that where topographic conditions are such that buildings would be screened from view, the Planning Commission may modify this requirement.
(E) The requirement of § 155.077 shall be met for the golf course plus individual requirements for all accessory users such as restaurants or bars.
(F) Whenever a swimming pool is to be provided, said pool shall be provided with a protective fence six feet in height, and entry shall be by means of a controlled gate.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
(A) All ingress to and egress from said site shall be directly onto a major thoroughfare having an existing or planned right-of-way of at least 120 feet of width.
(B) No building other than a structure for residential purposes shall be closer than 80 feet to any property line.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)
(A) All ingress to and egress from said site shall be directly onto a major thoroughfare having an existing or planned right-of-way of at least 120 feet of width.
(B) No building other than a structure for residential purposes shall be closer than 80 feet to any property line.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)