Site plan approval shall be granted only if the site plan meets all applicable standards set forth in this chapter as outlined below:
   (A)   Adequacy of information. The site plan shall include all required information in sufficiently complete and understandable form to provide an accurate description of the proposed use(s) and structure(s). All sheets must be consistent. The Planning Commission, upon recommendation of the City Planner, has the right to waive any of the submittal requirements if not applicable to the proposed project.
   (B)   Site design characteristics. All elements of the site design shall be designed and organized in relation to scale, character and architectural features of the adjoining properties, the size and type of subject property, the type and size of buildings and environmentally sensitive areas. The property shall be developed so as not to impede the normal and orderly development or improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted by this chapter. The site shall be designed to conform to all provisions of this chapter. Redevelopment of existing sites shall be brought into conformance with all site improvement provisions of this chapter which are relative to and proportionate to the extent of redevelopment, as determined by the Planning Commission.
   (C)   Buildings. Buildings and structures will meet or exceed setback standards, build-to lines, height and other dimensional standards, and placed to preserve environmentally sensitive areas. Redevelopment of existing structures shall meet or exceed all standards for which a variance has not been obtained.
   (D)   Architecture. All proposed development subject to site plan approval shall utilize sensitive design and quality architecture materials to ensure that buildings are compatible with surrounding uses, protects the investment of adjacent landowners, blends harmoniously into the streetscape, and maintains a positive image for the city.
   (E)   Materials and colors. Building and sign materials and colors shall relate well and not deviate from the surrounding area. Subtle earth tone colors shall be used for building and roofing material. The Planning Commission or City Council, if applicable, may require a color rendering.
   (F)   Scale and compatibility. Buildings shall possess architectural variety, but enhance the overall cohesive community character. Buildings shall consider the scale and proportion of existing structures in the area. Roof shape and materials shall be architecturally compatible with adjacent buildings and enhance the predominant streetscape.
   (G)   Architectural features. All buildings are encouraged to provide architectural features, details and ornaments such as archways, colonnades, cornices, peaked rooflines or towers. Building walls over 100 feet in length shall be broken up with varying building lines, windows, architectural accents and trees. Building entrances are encouraged to have windows, canopies and awnings; provide unity of scale, texture, and color; and provide a distinct exterior entry area between a building and access lanes or parking areas.
   (H)   Equipment screening. All rooftop HVAC and other mechanical equipment shall be screened.
   (I)   Privacy. The site design shall provide reasonable visual and sound privacy for dwelling units located therein and adjacent thereto. Fences, walks, barriers, buffers and plantings shall be used, as appropriate, for the protection and enhancement of property and the privacy of its occupants.
   (J)   Emergency vehicle access. All buildings or groups of buildings shall be arranged so as to permit emergency vehicle access.
   (K)   Ingress and egress. Safe, convenient, and well-defined vehicular and pedestrian circulation within and to the site shall be provided. Drives, streets, parking and other elements shall be designed to discourage through-traffic, while promoting safe and efficient traffic operations within the site and at its access points. Access to the site shall be designed to minimize conflicts with traffic on adjacent streets.
   (L)   Non-motorized circulation. The site plan shall provide a non-motorized circulation system that is insulated as completely as is reasonably possible from the vehicular circulation system.
   (M)   Vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle circulation layout. The arrangement of public or common ways for vehicular and pedestrian circulation shall respect the pattern of existing or planned streets and pedestrian or bicycle pathways in the area. The width of streets and drives shall be appropriate for the volume of traffic they will carry, on-street parking, where appropriate, and the desired character of the streetscape and neighborhood or district.
   (N)   Soil erosion. The proposed development shall include measures to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation.
   (O)   Exterior lighting. Exterior lighting shall be designed so that it is deflected away from adjacent properties, does not impede the vision of drivers on public streets and meets the intent of this chapter.
   (P)   Public services. The scale and design of the proposed development shall facilitate acceptable and adequate provision of services currently furnished by or that may be required of the city or other public agencies including, but not limited to, fire and police protection, stormwater and sanitary sewage removal and treatment, water supply, traffic control and administrative services.
   (Q)   Hazardous materials. Sites which include storage of hazardous materials or waste, fuels, salt, or chemicals shall be designed to prevent spills and discharges of polluting materials to the surface of the ground, groundwater or nearby surface water bodies.
   (R)   Consistency with the Master Plan and any applicable subarea or corridor plans.
(Ord. 792, passed 12-3-01)