General Provisions
   72.01   Definitions
   72.02   Application of regulations
   72.03   Parking signs required for enforcement
Parking Regulations
   72.12   Areas designated for no parking
   72.13   Parking against the flow of traffic
   72.14   Parking on sidewalk, curb or within tree lawn prohibited
   72.15   Angle parking
   72.16   Obstruction of traffic prohibited
   72.17   Parking in alleys
   72.18   Parking near hazardous or congested places
   72.19   Parking in residential districts
   72.20   Parking in municipal parking lots
   72.21   Parking to display, wash, repair vehicle
   72.22   Parking near schools
   72.23   Handicapped parking
   72.24   Fire hydrant/yellow line
   72.25   Contractor parking permit
   72.26   Enforcement of two hour parking restrictions
   72.27   Removal of vehicles
Parking Near Business, Public Buildings
   72.35   Blocking entrance, exit to parking area prohibited
   72.36   Noise prohibited
   72.37   "Cruising" through parking areas prohibited
   72.38   Use of parking area for general parking prohibited
   72.39   Posting of protected parking areas
Local Disaster and Travel Advisory
   72.50   Title
   72.51   Declaration of local disaster emergency
   72.52   Travel advisory definitions
   72.53   Travel advisory declaration
   72.54   Authorized emergency vehicles and personnel
   72.55   Removal of vehicles
   72.56   Moving debris or snow into streets
Limited Mobility Residential Reserved Parking Permits
   72.65   Definitions
   72.66   Eligibility
   72.67   Information required on application
   72.68   Fees
   72.69   Information contained on permit
   72.70   Issuance and revocation
   72.71   Regulations
   72.72   Expiration
   72.73   Disposition of revenue
   72.99   Penalty
   City Citations Officer with authority to write citations specific to violations of Chapter 72, see § 36.06
   For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
   FRONT YARD. The space between the front lot line, the side lot lines and the front building line.
   REAR YARD. The space between the back lot line, the side lot lines and the established rear building line.
   RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. A lot zoned R-l, R-l-A, R-2, R-2-A, or R-3.
   SIDE YARD. The space between a side lot line and the side building line.
   TREE LAWN. The area typically designated for passage of pedestrians or the placement of trees or utilities that is located between the curb or edge of a roadway and the edge of the sidewalk nearest to the front building line.
(Ord. 9-C-15, passed 6-30-15)
   (A)   The provisions of this chapter prohibiting the standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply at all times or at those times herein specified or as indicated on official signs except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic-control device. ('75 Code, § 42.1)
   (B)   The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting stopping, standing,
or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times.
('75 Code, § 42.2)