§ 72.68 FEES.
   (A)   The applicant must pay a non-refundable $5 application fee at the time he or she submits the application. An application fee is not required in the following instances:
      (1)   If the application is for an amended application due to a license plate change while a permit is in force, or
      (2)   If the applicant is submitting an application for a parking space the same applicant had a permit for the previous calendar year.
   (B)   If the permit is approved, the applicant must pay a permit fee of $120, or $60 if after July 1. This fee is due upon issuance of each permit under this subchapter. Permits are subject to the renewal requirements of § 72.72.
   (C)   If the permit is approved, the applicant must pay a sign fee of $175 to cover the manufacture and placement of the reserved parking space sign. This fee shall not apply to timely submitted permit renewals.
(Ord. 14-C-21, passed 9-14-21)