A.   Access:
      1.   The number of access points along public streets shall be minimized by sharing and linking parking areas with adjacent properties. Reciprocal ingress and egress, circulation and parking agreements shall be required to facilitate the ease of vehicular movement between abutting properties. The Planning Commission may grant an exception to this requirement if it is satisfied that obtaining a reciprocal parking agreement is not practical or would create an undue hardship on the developing property.
      2.   On corner sites, access points shall be located as far from the corner as reasonably possible and in no case less than sixty feet (60') from the point of intersection of the property lines. Vehicular circulation shall be designed to preclude the intrusion of traffic directly into residential areas.
   B.   Vanpool; Car Pool Spaces: One vanpool/car pool space shall be provided for every twenty five (25) parking spaces in all parking lots or parking structures directly associated with an office, and/or research and development use. Parking spaces for vanpool/car pool vehicles shall have a priority location near building entrances to encourage this form of mass transit.
   C.   Prohibited Parking Areas: Parking shall not be located in the required front setback or the required corner side setback which faces on a public street. (Ord. 2019-09, 5-16-2019)