(a)   Affirmative Action Officer. The Affirmative Action Officer shall be the chief administrative officer of the Office of Equal Opportunity and shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Affirmative Action Program, the Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Program and the rules and regulations issued hereunder, and for other duties pertinent thereto, including, but not limited to:
      (1)   Recommending policy guidelines for all affirmative action and contract compliance functions within the City government;
      (2)   Receiving and reviewing all rules and regulations issued by the State or the Federal government relevant to EEO and contract compliance, and ensuring that the City is conforming to those rules or regulations applicable to the City;
      (3)   Investigating complaints, making inspections and observing employment conditions relevant to all City activities;
      (4)   Reviewing each contractor's MBE efforts to determine compliance with the stated percentage goals on each bid;
      (5)   Certifying qualified minority business enterprises and monitoring their participation on City contracts to ensure compliance with the MBE Program;
      (6)   Acting as staff to the Community Relations Board; and
      (7)   Reporting regularly to the Mayor as to the progress of the Affirmative Action Program and the MBE Program.
   (b)   Community Relations Board.
      (1)   The Mayor shall appoint a Community Relations Board for equal employment and equal economic opportunity.
      (2)   The Board shall be comprised of five members, each serving a three-year term, appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council, with its members to include representatives of the public and members of minority groups and the business community. The Board shall conduct an annual review of the effectiveness of the MBE Program and report its findings and recommendations, in writing, to Council, not later than thirty days before the expiration of such Program. The Board shall serve as a review or appeals board to which an aggrieved party may appeal from the decision of the Safety Service Director as otherwise provided for in this chapter.
      (3)   Any three members shall constitute a quorum for carrying on the business of the Board. Each member of the Board will have one vote on any issue or policy decision coming before a quorum of the Board. The Board shall meet on a quarterly basis for carrying out such business coming before it, as follows:
         A.   Annual meeting - April. This meeting will be held to determine goals and objectives achieved and to set new or amended goals for the following year.
         B.   Second quarter - June. This meeting will highlight policy implementation and review progress of MBE-EEO participation.
         C.   Third quarter - September. This meeting will review Department/Division activities and guidelines for MBE/EEO implementation.
         D.   Fourth quarter - December. This meeting will review calendar year-end MBE/EEO accomplishments and make recommendations for any changes to MBE/EEO goal attainment to be heard at the annual meeting.
      (4)   The Affirmative Action Officer shall send written notice of each Board meeting to each Board member at least one week in advance of each meeting. The notice shall include the agenda of the meeting and a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting.
   (c)   Equal Opportunity Specialist. The Equal Opportunity Specialist shall assume, but not be limited to, the following responsibilities:
      (1)   Assist the Affirmative Action Officer in the formulation and implementation of the Affirmative Action Program and the MBE Program of the City;
      (2)   Review and evaluate departmental operations periodically and obtain information and/or reports from departments as necessary to determine the overall status of the Affirmative Action Program;
      (3)   Work in close coordination with the Civil Service Commission in analyzing testing procedures and all other aspects of the recruitment and certification process to ensure that artificial barriers to hiring and promoting minority and women applicants and employees are eliminated;
      (4)   Operate a system for gathering and reporting statistical information on the employment of minority group members and women and their movement into middle and upper level positions;
      (5)   Establish a special recruitment and orientation program among women and minority group organizations, develop regular communication channels with minority neighborhoods and act as a liaison between such groups and City departments and agencies to ensure that employment opportunity information is widely disseminated;
      (6)   Operate an information program designed to ensure that employees, recruitment sources, minority group organizations, women's organizations and the general public are aware of the equal employment opportunity policy of the City and Affirmative Action Program efforts and MBE Program efforts;
      (7)   Keep abreast of all current equal employment opportunity developments and disseminate all pertinent information to various City departments and the Community Relations Board;
      (8)   Report to the Affirmative Action Officer on all equal employment opportunity developments and contract compliance standards; and
      (9)   Act as a staff to the Community Relations Board.
   (d)   Civil Service Commission. The Civil Service Commission, as the legal testing and selection authority for the City, is hereby charged with the following responsibilities in the implementation of the Affirmative Action Program:
      (1)   Work in close coordination with the Affirmative Action Officer and the Equal Opportunity Specialist in all aspects of the employee selection procedure;
      (2)   Conduct test validation studies and institute any change necessary to make each test objective and tailored to actual job functions;
      (3)   Review and maintain job specifications and descriptions for all Municipal positions and modify those factors which tend to discriminate against minority groups and women.
(Ord. 83-90. Passed 4-4-83.)