When deemed necessary, the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals may promulgate rules or regulations applicable to the construction, maintenance, operation, inspection and testing of special devices included under the definition of “special equipment.” In the absence of such rules or regulations, such devices shall be permitted and maintained only when the design; material and method of operation are in conformity with the applicable provisions of statutes and rules and regulations promulgated by authority of statute, and are, from the standpoint of safety, approved by the Commissioner.
The owner of a building or other structure in which an elevator, dumbwaiter, moving stairway, amusement device, or special equipment is installed shall be responsible for the safe operation and proper maintenance of such elevator, dumbwaiter, moving stairway, amusement device, or special equipment after the installation thereof has been approved by the Commissioner and during the period of effectiveness of any limited certificate permitting operation thereof. Such owner, or his or her duly appointed agent, shall also make and be responsible for all periodic tests which the Commissioner may require under the provisions of Ohio Elevator Code, OBBC and this Building Code.
All new elevators, dumbwaiters, and moving stairways installed after July 1, 1979, and all relocated elevators, dumbwaiters, and moving stairways, shall conform to the provisions of OBBC, the Ohio Elevator Code, and this Building Code governing the new installations.
(a) Any alterations made to elevators, dumbwaiters, or moving stairways after July 1, 1979, shall be made in conformity with the provisions of OBBC, the Ohio Elevator Code and this Building Code governing such alterations.
(b) Existing installations may be altered to obtain the advantage of any provisions of OBBC, the Ohio Elevator Code and this Building Code, provided the safety requirements governing such provisions are met.
Except as provided under Section 3141.02 elevators, dumbwaiters and moving stairways legally installed before July 1, 1979 may be used without being reconstructed to comply with the provisions of OBBC, the Ohio Elevator Code and this Building Code governing new installations. Such existing installations shall be maintained in a safe operating condition, and shall be subject to the inspections and tests required by Section 3141.14. The Commissioner shall issue a Certificate of Operation for each existing elevator, dumbwaiter, moving stairway, amusement device or special equipment after such device has been inspected and found safe, which certificate shall be posted in the elevator car, or on, near, or plainly visible from the dumbwaiter, moving stairway, amusement device or special equipment.