19.74.070   Comprehensive sign program.
   A.   Purpose. The purpose of a Comprehensive Sign Program (“CSP”) is to integrate a project's signs with the design of its structures into a unified architectural statement. Additionally, a CSP is intended to provide a means for flexible application of these sign regulations for multi-tenant projects in order to encourage maximum incentives and latitude in the design and display of signs and to achieve, not circumvent, the intent of this chapter.
   B.   Applicability. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, a Comprehensive Sign Program may be approved by the Board for the following project types:
      1.   Multiple commercial tenants, or mixed-use projects, developed as a unit on adjacent parcels and located in a commercial zoning district;
      2.   A multi-tenant industrial or office project developed as a unit on adjacent parcels and located in an industrial zoning district; and
      3.   Multiple commercial tenants, or mixed-use projects, located on adjacent parcels within the same city block and under common ownership within the DN (Downtown North) and DS (Downtown South) zoning districts.
   A Comprehensive Sign Program may authorize deviations from the development standards for signs for the zoning district in which the project is located, except that the total maximum sign area allowed by this chapter shall not otherwise be exceeded. Standards for signs provided in this chapter shall serve as a reference along with any design guidelines adopted by the City.
   C.   Application Requirements. The following information is required for submittal of an application to the Board for a Comprehensive Sign Program:
      1.   Plans, to scale, to include the following:
         a.   Sign details indicating sign area, dimensions, colors, materials, letter style, proposed copy, letter height, and method of illumination for all signs;
         b.   Site plan indicating the location of all existing and proposed signs with sign area dimensions;
         c.   Building elevations with sign location depicted and dimensioned; and
         d.   A summary table showing the complete sign program and total square foot area of all signs.
      2.   A statement explaining how revisions, modifications, or replacement of tenant signs will be implemented to limit the possibility of holes being left in the structure's exterior by mounting brackets, electrical connections, or similar items; and
      3.   Any supplemental information required by the Director.
   D.   Lessees to be Made Aware of the Comprehensive Sign Program. Lessees within developments governed by an approved Comprehensive Sign Program shall be made aware of the program in their lease and their responsibility to follow the approved Comprehensive Sign Program.
   E.   Findings. In approving a Comprehensive Sign Program, the Board shall make all of the following findings in addition to those required by Chapter 19.18:
      1.   The proposed Comprehensive Sign Program is consistent with the purpose and intent of this chapter;
      2.   The signs are visually related to other signs included in the Comprehensive Sign Program and to the structure and/or developments they identify and to surrounding development;
      3.   The Comprehensive Sign Program accommodates future revisions which may be required due to changes in use or tenants; and
      4.   The Comprehensive Sign Program complies with all of the standards of this chapter, including the maximum overall sign area allowable, except that flexibility is allowed with regard to individual sign area, number, location, and/or height to the extent that the Comprehensive Sign Program will enhance the overall development and will more fully accomplish the purposes of this chapter.
   F.   Revisions to Comprehensive Sign Programs. Revisions to a Comprehensive Sign Program may be approved by the Director if it is determined that the revision is minor and that the intent of the original approval, and any conditions attached thereto, are not affected. For revisions that would substantially deviate from the original approval, an application to modify the Comprehensive Sign Program shall be required.
Ord. 2443