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Where the inside standpipe system has a single riser, the siamese connection shall be connected on the system side of the gate valve in the riser. Where the system has two or more risers, the siamese connections shall be connected on the supply side of the gate valve so that with any riser shutoff the supply will be into the remaining risers. All piping shall be arranged to connect into the system by the most direct route as required by this code.
At each siamese connection, there shall be provided a flat square metallic plate attached to the siamese connection or the building near the connection on which shall be placed the word “Standpipe” if there is a single system, or the words “Low Level Standpipe: Basement (Or Subbasement): to Floor” or “High Level Standpipe: Floor to Floor” or other suitable marking if there is more than one system.
When a siamese connection serves both automatic sprinklers and a standpipe system the siamese connection shall be so identified.
(Prior code § 91-85; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
All parts of the system shall be provided with indicating valves so that any portion can be taken out of service for repairs or in an emergency without interfering with the operation of the remainder of the system. Each system shall be provided with a gate valve so located as to control all sources of water supply except siamese connections. All valves in connections to water supply and from main to risers shall be outside screw and yoke pattern or other indicating type.
Check valves shall be installed in all sources of water supply including both suction and discharge side of the fire pump; they shall be straightway pattern or silent type installed in horizontal or vertical piping according to the valve's listing. A gate valve shall be installed on each side of each check valve unless otherwise noted.
All valves shall be rated for pressures not less than the maximum pressure developed at the point in the system where the valve is installed including the shutoff pressure of the fire pump.
All valves, including test and drain valves, shall have a durable sign attached indicating their function or area controlled.
A diagram drawn to scale showing the city connection, fire pump, siamese connections, standpipe main, risers and all valves shall be permanently posted in a conspicuous location in the pump room.
Gate valves controlling water supplies for main and risers shall be located where readily accessible. Valves shall not be located within concealed spaces.
All valves in mains and risers shall be secured open.
(Prior code § 91-86; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
Each standpipe system supplied by a fire pump shall be provided with a discharge test manifold or wall hydrant having one two and one-half inch individually valved hose connection for each 250 gpm of rated pump capacity. The discharge test manifold shall be located on an outside wall in allocation which will permit the safe discharge and drainage of water.
(Prior code § 91-88; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
There shall be provided on the discharge side of each fire pump a pressure indicating gauge with indications from zero to double the working pressure of the system. A suitable compound pressure and vacuum indicating gauge shall also be provided on the suction of each fire pump.
(Prior code § 91-89; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
All suction piping to the fire pump and all discharge piping, except standpipe risers, shall be painted red or identified as fire protection system piping at intervals of not less than 15 feet.
(Prior code § 91-90; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
A dry pipe system shall be permitted only in a building, or a portion of a building, which is unheated.
The dry pipe system shall be isolated from the water supply, or from the wet portion of the system, if a combined wet and dry pipe system, by one or more dry pipe valves located at accessible points as near as practicable to tin dry system, adequately protected against mechanical injury and against freezing; piping shall be arranged so that each standpipe riser shall be provided with an independent dry pipe valve.
The valves shall automatically control the flow of water; they shall be constructed and installed so that under normal conditions, the portion of the piping in unheated spaces will remain dry. The operation of a hose valve will permit water to flow into the piping to supply water at the hose valve.
An instruction sheet giving full directions for the maintenance and operation of the dry pipe valve and the safe minimum and maximum air pressure to be maintained on the dry pipe valve shall be permanently posted in a conspicuous place near each dry pipe valve. A permanent sign shall be posted at each hose valve on a dry standpipe system reading “DRY STANDPIPE – AIR UNDER PRESSURE”.
(Prior code § 91-92; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)