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Where the pressure at nozzles is more than 65 pounds per square inch, the one and one-half inch hose valve shall be provided with a device or disc to limit the pressure to 90 pounds so that the nozzle can be safely handled by one person.
(Prior code § 91-79; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
An interior standpipe system required in a building, the top floor of which is more than 275 feet above grade, exclusive of space used for sprinkler, elevator, ventilation and other building machinery, shall be separated into two or more zones, each of which shall include a fire pump, pressure maintenance pump, and all other equipment and piping necessary for a complete inside standpipe installation. The lowest system shall serve the portion up to and including the story the floor of which is 275 feet or less above grade. Above 275 feet systems shall be provided to serve zones of not more than 20 stories each.
(Prior code § 91-81; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
In a building having a top floor which is more than 275 feet above grade, individual zones, as required by this Code, shall be supplied by two or more separate risers from the zone fire pump located in the lowest story of the building, known as an express riser, except that the number of express risers shall not exceed the number of risers serving that zone; or by individual fire pumps located on the lowest floor of each zone taking suction under head from a tank automatically filled by two or more risers from the adjacent lower zone. Such a tank shall have a capacity sufficient to supply the largest pump in the zone at its rated capacity for at least 30 minutes but not less than 10,000 gallons.
(Prior code § 91-82; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
At least one siamese connection shall be provided on each street exposure to a limit of two street exposures, except that one siamese connection will be permitted in the case of two adjacent street exposures whose combined length is not greater than 250 feet. If any exposure is more than 250 feet long, there shall be two siamese connections for such exposure no closer than 200 feet apart. All siamese connections shall be located not less than 12 inches nor more than five feet above grade at the building line. Hose threads shall fit the couplings of the city fire department; they shall be provided with caps securely attached to the connection.
(Prior code § 91-83; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)