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All piping used in standpipe systems shall be of materials and pressure ratings as specified in Sections 2-2.1 to 2-2.4, both inclusive, of N.F.P.A. Standard 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, 1993 Edition. Pipe fittings used in standpipe systems shall meet the requirements of Sections 2-3.1 and 2-3.3 of the above referenced N.F.P.A. Standard 14.
(Prior code § 91-68; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
All piping shall be provided with drains. Each riser shall be provided with a drain valve not less than two inches in size at the lowest point on the system side of the riser control valve. A valve used for a hose connection may be used to drain a standpipe riser when it is located at the low point of a riser. Drains shall discharge at a point where a floor drain or other adequate means exist to allow safe discharge and removal of water drained from the system.
Drain valves shall be identified by a durable sign indicating the floors or zone served.
(Prior code § 91-69; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
The number of risers shall be determined by the floor area of the building; they shall be arranged so that all portions of the floor in all stories can be protected by fire hose not more than 100 feet long if the hose valve is located in a properly enclosed stairwell, and 75 feet if not; this length of hose shall extend to within 30 feet of the outside wall if the space is not divided into rooms or into the room farthest from the standpipe to which the hose is connected if the space is so divided. In spaces not subdivided by permanent partitions, allowance shall be made for future intervening furnishings and work station cubicles.
(Prior code § 91-71; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
Risers shall be located in or adjacent to the stair enclosures except on the ground floor. Where the number of risers, as required in Section 15-16-900, is greater than the number of stair enclosures, additional risers may be located at other accessible locations as approved by the fire commissioner and adequately protected against mechanical injury.
(Prior code § 91-72; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24131, § 128)
Risers shall be not less than four inches in diameter for 13 or less stories; six inches for 15 additional stories and eight inches for all additional stories. Risers may be sized according to hydraulic calculation but in no case shall a riser be less than four inches in diameter. The flow rates used in hydraulic calculations shall be not less than required in Section 15-16-790. Main shall be of not less size than the largest riser.
(Prior code § 91-73; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
A two and one-half-inch fire department hose connection and valve shall be provided in each story on each required riser (except at street grade) and above the roof; the connections and valves shall be protected against mechanical damage. Additional fire department connections with valves shall be connected to the main if necessary to service basements or other stories with hose of the length prescribed in Section 15-16-900. All hose threads shall fit the couplings of the Chicago fire department.
(Prior code § 91-74; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
The two and one-half-inch hose valves for the use of the fire department, as hereinbefore prescribed, shall be of the gate or angle type and shall be located at such a height that the center line of the valve shall be not less than three feet nor more than six feet above the floor and so installed that the water will flow through the valve without kinking or bending the hose. Valve bodies shall be constructed of non-corrodible material and rated for not less than the pressure which exists in the standpipe. Hand wheels on all two and one-half-inch hose valves shall be of solid construction of malleable iron, cast iron, brass or bronze and shall be not less than five inches in diameter. Each two and one-half inch outlet shall be provided with a lugged cap to protect the threads of the valve, attached to the valve by a chain not less than six inches long.
(Prior code § 91-75; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)
A one and one-half-inch hose connection and valve shall be provided adjacent to each fire department hose valve, except at the connection above the roof if this is exposed to freezing. All hose threads shall fit the couplings of the Chicago fire department.
(Prior code § 91-76; Amend Coun. J. 10-30-96, p. 31261, § 1)