All true east and west streets shall be designated as “Street” and the naming and numbering shall be as follows:
78th Street | 7800 |
79th Street | 7900 |
80th Street | 8000 |
81st Street | 8100 |
82nd Street | 8200 |
83rd Street | 8300 |
84th Street | 8400 |
85th Street | 8500 |
86th Street | 8600 |
87th Street | 8700 |
88th Street | 8800 |
89th Street | 8900 |
90th Street | 9000 |
91st Street | 9100 |
92nd Street | 9200 |
93rd Street | 9300 |
94th Street | 9400 |
95th Street | 9500 |
96th Street | 9600 |
97th Street | 9700 |
98th Street | 9800 |
99th Street | 9900 |
100th Street | 10000 |
101st Street | 10100 |
102nd Street | 10200 |
103rd Street | 10300 |
104th Street | 10400 |
105th Street | 10500 |
106th Street | 10600 |
107th Street | 10700 |
108th Street | 10800 |
109th Street | 10900 |
110th Street | 11000 |
111th Street | 11100 |
112th Street | 11200 |
113th Street | 11300 |
114th Street | 11400 |
115th Street | 11500 |
116th Street | 11600 |
117th Street | 11700 |
118th Street | 11800 |
119th Street | 11900 |
(1958 Code, § 21.07) (Added by Ord. 104, passed 4-1-1957; repealed and new Article added by Ord. 129, passed 1-27-1958)
All irregular streets which would run in a more or less easterly and westerly direction shall be designated as “Drive.” Naming shall be determined by location insofar as practicable, or by such localizing description as might be suggested by the subdivision or by physical location.
(1958 Code, § 21.08) (Added by Ord. 104, passed 4-1-1957; repealed and new Article added by Ord. 129, passed 1-27-1958)
The street addresses of all building lots facing on streets or drives within the city shall be determined in accordance with §§ 17.45 and 17.46 of this Article III.
(1958 Code, § 21.09) (Added by Ord. 104, passed 4-1-1957; repealed and new Article added by Ord. 129, passed 1-27-1958)
One hundred numbers shall be assigned to each block of approximately 330 feet east and west, except when otherwise designated by the street numbering plan, §§ 17.36 and 17.37, of this Article III. In all instances where an avenue or road is platted or opened, east of Nicollet, the first building lot east of said avenue or road on the north side of the street or drive shall be numbered with the number of the intersecting avenue or road as indicated in § 17.36 and two additional digits zero zero. The first building lot on the south side of said avenue or road shall be numbered with the number of the intersecting avenue or road and the two additional digits zero one. The additional digits to be added to all building lots east of the first two shall be computed on the basis of two numbers for each 25 feet of frontage.
(1) The aforementioned pattern shall hold true for the area west of Nicollet Avenue but shall be in reverse.
(2) In all instances where there is no intersecting avenue or road as designated in §§ 17.36 and 17.37 of this Article III, the numbers shall be assigned as above, based on the theoretical intersection point of the designated avenue.
(1958 Code, § 21.11) (Added by Ord. 104, passed 4-1-1957; repealed and new Article added by Ord. 129, passed 1-27-1958)
(a) All cul-de-sacs or short dead-end streets shall be designated as “Circle.” The proper name shall be the same as the street, avenue, drive or road from which the cul-de-sac originates, insofar as is practicable, or by such localizing description as might be suggested by the subdivision or by physical location.
(b) Any irregular street which starts on a common point on another street, avenue, drive or road and reverses itself to reenter at the same point shall be designated as “Circle.” The naming shall be determined by such localizing description as might be suggested by the subdivision or by physical location.
(1958 Code, § 21.12) (Added by Ord. 104, passed 4-1-1957; repealed and new Article added by Ord. 129, passed 1-27-1958)
The street addresses of all building lots facing on “Circles” within the city shall be determined as follows.
(1) In the area east of Nicollet Avenue, all such circles departing in an easterly or northerly direction shall be numbered in a clockwise direction. All such circles departing in a southerly or westerly direction shall be numbered in a counterclockwise direction.
(2) In the area west of Nicollet Avenue, all such circles departing in an easterly or southerly direction shall be numbered in a clockwise direction. All such circles departing in a northerly or westerly direction shall be numbered in a counterclockwise direction.
(3) The street address of the first building lot at the entrance to the circle shall be determined by its location on the parent street. The additional two digits to be added shall be computed on the basis of two numbers for each 100 feet or fraction thereof. The building lots on the outside of the circle shall be either odd or even determined by the parent street, and those on the inside of the circle shall be opposite.
(1958 Code, § 21.13) (Added by Ord. 104, passed 4-1-1957; repealed and new Article added by Ord. 129, passed 1-27-1958)