The assigned street address number must be posted as follows:
(1) On that part of the principal building that faces the main public access road;
(2) On the rear of the principal building or on an accessory building located to the rear of the property, in those cases where there is a public access road to the rear of the property;
(3) At the primary driveway entrance adjoining the main public access road on a sign, post or mailbox so as to be visible from both directions of travel, in those cases where the principal building is situated on the property in a manner or at a distance that makes the posted address thereon inconspicuous or illegible from the nearest main public access road. Where the address is posted on a sign, that sign must be in compliance with all applicable regulations, including § 21.304.12(a)(14);
(4) On buildings with multiple addresses, each separate tenant address must be legibly posted on each of its front, rear and service doors within the building in compliance with the requirements of this Article III. This includes tenant space within a mall, even if the doors to the separate address are not visible to surrounding public access roads. In addition, the Director of Community Development or the Director’s designee may require that the range of addresses, from the lowest to the highest, must be posted on the exterior of the building in compliance with the requirements of this Article III; and
(5) On a sign or placard posted at any construction site for a new building, so as to be visible from both directions of travel on the main public access roads.
The provisions of this Article III shall be effective 30 days after publication for all new construction. All existing buildings within the city must be in compliance with its terms within one year of its effective date. It shall be the duty of the Director of Community Development of the City or the Director’s designee to notify owners or occupants of unnumbered or incorrectly numbered buildings of the proper number therefor and of the requirements of this Article III, and to enforce the provisions of this Article III. Failure to comply with an order to correct conditions issued by the Director or the Director’s designee will constitute a misdemeanor. In addition, any provisions of this Article III may be enforced by injunction or other appropriate civil remedy.
(1958 Code, § 21.26) (Added by Ord. 104, passed 4-1-1957; repealed and new Article added by Ord. 129, passed 1-27-1958; Ord. 2002-2, passed 1-14-2000)
Notwithstanding provisions of city code, Chapter 17, concerning the method of naming streets within the city, the name of East 81st Street between Cedar Avenue (Trunk Highway 77) and 30th Avenue shall henceforth be known as Lindau Lane, in honor of former Mayor James H. Lindau.
(Ord. 81-34, passed 8-24-1981; deleted by Ord. 98-53, passed 11-16-1998; added by Ord. 99-8, passed 4-5-1999; Ord. 2013-14, passed 5-20-2013)
The addressing protocol established in this section shall apply to the Mall of America.
(1) The place name for the Mall of America shall be “Mall of America” and hereby replaces 8100 24th Avenue South as the address for the property.
(2) The following street names are hereby established within the Mall of America:
(a) North Garden;
(b) East Broadway;
(c) South Avenue;
(d) West Market; and
(e) Central Parkway
(3) Each street within the Mall of America is hereby divided into blocks by floor level, for the purpose of addressing tenant spaces as follows:
Floor Level | Space Number |
Basement level | (1-99) |
First floor | (100—199 or 1000—1999) |
Second floor | (200—299 or 2000—2999) |
Third floor | (300—399 or 3000—3999) |
Fourth floor | (400—499 or 4000—4999) |
(4) Carts and kiosks shall be assigned address numbers within the range of 6000 through 6499 with the second digit of the number matching the floor of the location. The attendant street name shall be in conformance with subsection (2) above.
(5) Retail fixture units shall be assigned address numbers within the range of 7000 through 7499 with the second digit of the number matching the floor of the location. The attendant street name shall be in conformance with subsection (2) above.
(6) Tenant space numbering shall begin at the northwest corner of North Garden, the northeast corner of East Broadway, the southeast corner of South Avenue and the southwest corner of West Market and the southwest corner of Central Parkway. Tenant space numbering shall be clockwise in each block from the point of beginning.
(7) The following addresses and court names are established for anchor tenants within the Mall of America:
(a) 1000 Northwest Court;
(b) 2000 Northeast Court;
(c) 3000 Southeast Court;
(d) 4000 Southwest Court; and
(e) 5000 Center Court.
(8) Anchor tenants shall be addressed according to the following format:
Tenant name Mall of America (Number)(Court Name) Bloomington, MN 55425 |
(9) Other tenants shall be addressed in the following format:
Tenant name Mall of America (Space Number)(Street Name) Bloomington, MN 55425 |
(10) Tenants shall display their address as follows:
(a) Lower Level tenants. On their entry door in three-inch tall characters, five feet above floor level (Space Number)(S or E); and
(b) Other tenants. On their front facade in three-inch tall characters according to a uniform placement criteria developed by the Mall of America, and on all service doors in three-inch tall characters, five feet above floor level (Space Number)(N, S, E or W).
(11) No permit shall be issued by the city which requires division of space and revision of addressing system without the change being approved by the issuing authority.
(Ord. 91-33, passed 6-3-1991; Ord. 92-25, passed 4-27-1992; Ord. 96-32, passed 8-19-1996; Ord. 2013-18, passed 8-5-2013)
Notwithstanding provisions of City Code, Chapter 17, concerning the method of naming streets within the city, the name of 28th Avenue South between American Boulevard East and East Old Shakopee Road shall henceforth be known as Winstead Way, in honor of former Mayor Gene Winstead.
(Ord. 2021-37, passed 11-29-2021)