The street addresses of all building lots facing on “Curves” within the city shall be determined as follows.
   (1)   In the area east of Nicollet Avenue, all such curves departing in an easterly or northerly direction shall be numbered in a clockwise direction. All such curves departing in a southerly or westerly direction shall be numbered in a counterclockwise direction.
   (2)   In the area west of Nicollet Avenue all such curves departing in an easterly or southerly direction shall be numbered in a clockwise direction. All curves departing in a northerly or westerly direction shall be numbered in a counterclockwise direction.
   (3)   The street address of the first building lot at the entrance to the curve shall be determined by its location on the parent street. The additional two digits to be added shall be computed on the basis of two numbers for each 100 feet or fraction thereof. The building lots on the outside of the curve shall be either odd or even determined by the parent street, and those on the inside of the curve be opposite.
(1958 Code, § 21.15) (Added by Ord. 104, passed 4-1-1957; repealed and new Article added by Ord. 129, passed 1-27-1958)