1. The owner or operator of an FSE which is required to pass wastewater through a grease interceptor or trap shall operate and maintain the grease interceptor or trap so that wastewater exiting the grease interceptor or trap shall not exceed four hundred (400) milligrams per liter of FOG.
2. The owner or operator of the FSE shall cause the grease interceptor or trap to be cleaned as hereinafter required when FOG and solids reach 25 percent of the design liquid level of the grease interceptor or trap, or sooner if necessary to prevent carry over of FOG from the grease interceptor or trap into the city sanitary sewer system. Interceptors and traps shall be cleaned at three (3) month intervals or less. A longer cleaning interval must be approved by the WRA director. The owner or operator of an FSE shall employ a waste hauler licensed by the WRA pursuant to Chapter 102 of this Code of Ordinances to clean the grease interceptor or trap, provided that the waste hauler personnel performing the cleaning has a current grease hauler certification from the WRA indicating satisfactory completion of the course of training offered by the WRA on the cleaning of grease interceptors and traps.
3. Any person who cleans a grease interceptor or trap shall do so in accordance with the following procedures and requirements. The person cleaning the grease interceptor or trap shall:
A. Completely empty and remove the contents (liquids and sludge) of all vaults of the grease interceptor or trap, and remove the grease mat and scrapings from the interior walls. As part of each cleaning of a grease interceptor or trap, the licensed waste hauler employed by the FSE owner or operator shall perform the following maintenance activities:
(1) Check that the sanitary "tees" on the inlet and outlet sides of the grease interceptor are not obstructed, loose, or missing.
(2) Verify that the baffle is secure and in place.
(3) Inspect the grease interceptor or trap for any cracks or other defects.
(4) Check that lids are securely and properly seated after completion of cleaning.
B. Not deposit waste and wastewater removed from a grease interceptor or trap back into the grease interceptor or trap from which the waste or wastewater was removed, or into any other grease interceptor or trap or drainage fixture connected to the sanitary sewer, for the purpose of reducing the volume of waste and wastewater to be disposed of.
C. Not introduce enzymes, emulsifying chemicals, hot water or other agents into a grease interceptor or trap to dissolve or emulsify grease or as a grease abatement method. Introduction of bacteria as a grease degradation agent is permitted with prior written approval by the WRA director.
D. Dispose of waste and wastewater removed from a grease interceptor or trap at the WRF or at a facility approved for disposal of such waste by the WRA director. Waste and wastewater removed from a grease interceptor or trap shall not be discharged to any private sanitary or storm sewer or to the city sanitary or storm sewer system. The waste hauler shall provide a copy of the disposal receipt for all waste and wastewater removed from a grease interceptor or trap to the owner or operator of the FSE.
E. Not use an automatic grease removal system to clean a grease interceptor without prior written approval of the WRA director, and if, the use of an automatic grease removal system is approved, shall operate same in a manner that the grease wastewater discharge limit, as measured from the system's outlet, is consistently achieved.
4. The WRA director may make exceptions to the above requirements, or may approve alternative operational requirements or cleaning and maintenance methods, provided that such exceptions or approvals shall be made in writing by the WRA director.
5. The WRA director may issue a grease hauler certification upon satisfactory completion of the course of training offered by the WRA on the proper maintenance and cleaning of grease interceptors and traps, disposal procedures and record keeping. Such certification shall be for a period of 5 years and shall be in effect for the person receiving such training. Grease haulers certified by the WRA shall be subject to a grease interceptor cleanout inspection by WRA personnel, not less than once every two years, for purposes of the hauler demonstrating its compliance with requirements in this section. Such inspections shall be scheduled at a time which coincides with normal working hours for WRA personnel, shall involve all individuals employed by the same company who have been issued a grease hauler certification by the WRA, and shall be conducted at an FSE within the WRA service area. Failure to follow WRA's cleanout procedures or other requirements of this section may result in fines, additional scheduled cleanout inspections, and loss of grease hauler certification status, individually or company-wide, with the WRA.
(Ord. 2119 - Sep. 22 Supp.)
1. Required Records. The owner or operator of a food service establishment which is required to pass wastewater through a grease interceptor or trap shall maintain a written record of grease interceptor or trap maintenance, including a log showing the dates upon which the grease interceptor or trap was inspected and the estimated amount of FOG present in the grease interceptor or trap at each inspection, the date upon which waste and wastewater were removed from the grease interceptor or trap and disposed of, and the location and means of such disposal of waste and wastewater, and the name and employer or the person or persons performing each of said tasks. The log shall further include a record of the placement of any approved or unapproved additive into the grease interceptor, grease trap or building sewer on a constant, regular or scheduled basis, including the type and amount of additive placed on each such occasion. Only additives approved by the WRA Director pursuant to Section 101.08(3)(C) may be used in a grease interceptor.
2. Record Keeping. The log shall at all times be kept and maintained on a day-to-day basis so as to show a record of waste and wastewater removal, waste and wastewater disposal and approved additive placement for a continuous period of three (3) years. All such records shall be kept secure at the premises of the food service establishment for a continuous period of three years and shall be made available for non-routine inspection by the City, the WRA, and its operating contractor, or the employees and agents of any of them at any time during normal business hours.
The owner or operator of an FSE shall:
1. Provide, operate and maintain, at its expense, safe and accessible monitoring facilities (such as a suitable manhole), and shall make such monitoring facilities available for inspection, for routine cleanouts by the owner or operator's licensed grease hauler, and for sampling and flow measurement of the building sewer or internal drainage systems. There shall be ample room in or near such monitoring facilities to allow for proper inspection, accurate sampling and preparation of samples for analysis. The monitoring facilities shall be maintained such that the device(s) is readily and immediately accessible for inspections and cleanouts being free of coverings, building materials, pavements, or any other obstructions.
2. Allow personnel authorized by the WRA Director or by the City Building Official, bearing proper credentials and identification, to enter upon or into any building, facility or property housing a food service establishment at any reasonable time and without prior notification, for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling, testing or record review, in accordance with this chapter.
3. Upon request by the WRA director's authorized representative, open any grease interceptor or grease trap for the purpose of confirming that maintenance frequency is appropriate, that all necessary parts of the installation are in place including, but not limited to, baffles and effluent tees, and that all grease interceptors, traps, and related equipment and piping is maintained in efficient operating condition.
4. Accommodate compliance inspections and sampling events by the authorized representatives of the WRA Director or of the City Building Official. Staff may conduct routine inspections and sampling events of any food service establishment. Non-routine inspection and sampling events shall occur more frequently when there is a history of non-compliance with this chapter and when blockages occur in the City's sanitary sewer system downstream of the food service establishment.
(Ord. 2119 - Sep. 22 Supp.)
The fees for inspection of an FSE shall be as provided in Section 100.17 and shall be paid within 30 days of the date of the invoice for such fees. A trip charge of $50.00, as referenced in Section 100.17 shall be assessed in conjunction with the violation of any requirement of Section 101.10 which results in the need for WRA personnel to reschedule such inspection of grease interceptor/trap or food service establishment, and shall be paid within 30 days of the date of the invoice for such charge.
(Ord. 2119 - Sep. 22 Supp.)
1. The Director or such other designated officers or officials with enforcement authority as provided in Section 101.12 are authorized to issue a notice of violation imposing an administrative penalty upon any person who fails to perform an act required by this chapter or who commits an act prohibited by this chapter. Such notice may include a corrective action order requiring the user to take one or more of the following corrective actions within thirty (30) days:
A. Conform to best management practices;
B. Submit copies of the grease interceptor or grease trap maintenance log;
(Ord. 1959 - Feb. 19 Supp.)
C. Develop, submit and implement a FOG compliance plan to be approved by the Director or designated enforcement official; or
D. Install a compliant grease interceptor.
2. The administrative penalty for such violations shall be as provided in the schedule of administrative penalties adopted by the City Council by resolution.
3. Notice of violation, with the applicable penalty for such violation noted thereon, shall be issued to and served upon the violator. Service of the notice may be by regular mail or by delivery in person.
4. Penalties assessed pursuant to notice of violation shall be paid by the violator in full as directed in the notice within thirty (30) days of its issuance.
5. The administrative penalties set out in the schedule of administrative penalties shall be charged in lieu of the fines and penalties provided for in Section 101.14, unless the violator refuses to correct the violation and pay the scheduled administrative penalty, or the WRA Director determines that immediate enforcement action by misdemeanor or municipal infraction prosecution is, in view of the particular circumstances of the case, necessary to achieve compliance with the requirements of this chapter. A record of all violations, administrative penalties charged or other enforcement actions taken shall be maintained by the WRA for a period of three years.
1. Any person who fails to perform an act required by this chapter or who commits an act prohibited by this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment, or shall be guilty of a municipal infraction punishable by a civil penalty.
2. Any person who fails to comply with a pretreatment standard applicable to an FSE shall be guilty of a municipal infraction punishable by a civil penalty of not more than one thousand dollars for each day the violation exists or continues, as provided by Section 364.22 or 331.307 of the Iowa Code.
(Ord. 1662 - Jul. 10 Supp.)
3. When enforcement is sought through a municipal infraction proceeding, the Director or such other designated officers or officials with enforcement authority as provided in Section 101.12 may enter into consent orders, assurances of voluntary compliance or other similar documents establishing an agreement with the user responsible for noncompliance. Such orders will include specific action to be taken by the user to correct the noncompliance within a time period specified by the order.