Fire sprinkler systems may be connected to water mains by direct connection without meters under the direct supervision of the Administrator. No open connection can be incorporated in the system. There shall be no valves except a main control valve at the entrance to the building which must be sealed open, and a valve at the tap to the water main for City use only.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
All meters shall be so located that they are easily accessible to meter readers and maintenance staff and protected from freezing and any other harmful elements or conditions (e.g., dirt, chemicals, manufacturing activities, etc.). Meters must be inside a building or heated enclosure. Meters located outside of a building must have a separate service address and a separate shutoff valve.
1. The property owner shall provide all necessary piping and fittings for proper setting of the domestic water meter and shall provide for the addition of a secondary water meter as shown in the plumbing diagrams included in the Ankeny Supplemental Specifications. Any plumbing configuration to be constructed that does not follow the plumbing diagrams in the Ankeny Supplemental Specifications shall be approved by the Administrator. Backflow preventers must be supported. Meter pits may be used only upon approval of the Administrator and shall be of a design and construction approved by the Administrator. Meter pits are not allowed for secondary water meters. The City shall not be liable for the defacement or damage of any property caused by holes, fastening or other work required for the installation of meters or remote meter reading devices, except damage caused by the City's own negligence. Meter sizes larger than 3/4" shall be approved by the Administrator.
B. For all new residential construction, the builder shall provide all necessary piping, fittings for the proper setting of both the domestic water meter as well as the secondary water meter as shown in the plumbing diagrams included in the Ankeny Supplemental Specifications.
The full cost of any meter shall be paid to the City by the property owner or customer prior to the installation of any such meter by the City, or, at the sole option of the City, the property owner or customer may be required to purchase and install such meter in accordance with requirements established by the City.
Whenever a water meter owned by the City is found to be out of order the Administrator shall have it repaired. If it is found that damage to the meter has occurred due to the carelessness or negligence of the customer or property owner, or the meter is not owned by the City, then the property owner shall be liable for the cost of repairs.
Irrigation meters located outside a building shall be temporarily removed for winter protection. Meter removals and reinstallations shall be done by the City at a time scheduled by the property owner. There shall be a $35.00 service charge for meter removal, and a $35.00 service charge for reinstallation. There shall be no service availability charges while service is discontinued as provided herein.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
The Administrator or designee shall be permitted to enter the premises of any customer at any reasonable scheduled time to read, inspect, test, remove, or change a meter. Failure by the customer to allow reasonable access to the meter is cause for termination of water service.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
The Administrator or any designee shall make a test of the accuracy of any water meter at any time when requested in writing. If it is found that such meter overruns to the extent of 5% or more, the cost of the test shall be borne by the City and a refund shall be made to the customer for overcharges collected, but not more than 5% of the total water bill and not for a longer period than 3 months. If the meter is found to be accurate, slow, or less than 5% fast, the user shall pay a testing charge of $50.00 for meters 1" and smaller. For meters larger than 1", the user shall pay a testing charge of $50.00 plus the calculated staff time needed to perform the test.
(Ord. 1946 - Aug. 18 Supp.)