Whenever any ATV, snowmobile or UTV is involved in an accident resulting in injury or death to anyone or property damage amounting to $200 or more, either the owner, operator or someone acting on their behalf shall immediately notify a law enforcement officer and shall file an accident report within 48 hours in accordance with state law.
ATVs, snowmobiles, and UTVs owned by a government agency or subdivision thereof, and used in an official capacity, and UTVs used exclusively to conduct agricultural purposes in accordance with Iowa Code § 321.234A.1[a] are exempt from registration and the requirements of this chapter.
All violations of any provision(s) of Chapter 75 are hereby declared simple misdemeanors punishable by a fine of at least $100 plus surcharge and court costs and/or municipal infractions punishable by a penalty as listed in Chapter 4 of this Code of Ordinances. Violations may be charged as either a misdemeanor criminal offense or a municipal infraction at the sole discretion of the peace officer.
The city and the owners or tenants of property adjoining public lands or right-of-way of a public street or roadway and their agents and employees owe no duty of care to keep public lands, ditches, or land contiguous to a street or roadway under the control of the city safe for entry or use by persons operating an ATV, snowmobile or UTV, or to give any warning of a dangerous condition, use, structure, or activity on the premises to persons entering for such purposes, except in the case of willful or malicious failure to guard or warn against a dangerous condition, use, structure, or activity. This section does not create a duty of care or grounds for liability on behalf of the city, or owners or tenants of property adjoining public lands or the right-of-way of public street or roadways and their agents and employees for injury to persons or property in the operation of an ATV, snowmobile or UTV in a ditch or on land contiguous to a street or roadway under the control of the city. The city, and the owners or tenants of property adjoining public lands or the right-of-way of a public street or roadway and their agents and employees are not liable for the operation of an ATV, snowmobile or UTV.
(Chapter 75 - Ord. 2146 - Jul. 23 Supp.)