1.   Double Riding Restricted. A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than astride a permanent and regular seat attached thereto. No bicycle, electric scooter, or personal transportation device shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped. This does not apply to the use of a bicycle, electric scooter, or personal transportation device in a parade authorized by proper permit from local authorities.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.234[3, 4, 5])
2.   Speed. A person shall not operate a bicycle, electric scooter, personal transportation device, or OPDMD at a speed greater than is careful and prudent at a rate of speed no greater than is reasonable and proper under the conditions existing at the point of operation, taking into account the surroundings and environment, such as inclement weather, infrastructure conditions, and grade. A person shall not operate a class 3 low-speed electric bicycle on a sidewalk. A person shall not operate a class 3 low-speed electric bicycle on a bicycle lane, bicycle path, or multi-use trail in excess of the posted or applicable speed limit, or if there is no posted or applicable speed limit, twenty miles per hour.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.235B[9.b.])
3.   Control of bicycle, electric scooter, personal transportation device, or OPDMD. The operator shall keep the device under directional, speed, and stopping control at all times.
4.   Improper riding. No person shall operate a bicycle, electric scooter, personal transportation device, or OPDMD in an irregular or reckless manner so as to disregard the safety of the operator, others, or property.
5.   Right of way. Riders of electric scooters, low speed electric bicycles, and other electric personal transportation devices shall yield right of way to pedestrians, human-powered bicycles, and other human-powered conveyances. Riders of bicycles and other human powered devices shall yield right of way to pedestrians.
6.   Emerging from an Alley or Driveway. The operator of a bicycle, electric scooter, or personal transportation device emerging from an alley, driveway or building shall, upon approaching a sidewalk or the sidewalk area extending across any alleyway, yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians approaching on said sidewalk or sidewalk area, and upon entering the roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on said roadway.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.353)
7.   Class 3 Low-Speed Electric Bicycles. A person under the age of sixteen shall not operate a class 3 low-speed electric bicycle. A person under the age of sixteen may ride as a passenger on a class 3 low-speed electric bicycle.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.235B[6])
8.   Hand Signals. Riders of bicycles, electric scooters, or personal transportation devices may, but shall not be required to, signal their turning movements and stopping with their hands and arms as follows:
   A.   Left Turn - left hand and arm extended horizontally to the left.
   B.   Right turn - left hand and arm extended upward to the left or right hand and arm extended horizontally to the right.
   C.   Stopping or slowing - left hand and arm extended downward.
9.   Following Emergency Vehicles. No person riding a bicycle, electric scooter, or personal transportation device shall follow closer than 500 feet of an emergency vehicle as defined by Iowa Code section 321.1 which has emergency lights and/or siren activated, and shall not stop, park, or leave a bicycle within 500 feet of an emergency vehicle stopped in response to an emergency.
10.   Towing. It is unlawful for any person riding upon any bicycle, electric scooter, or personal transportation device to attach the device or themselves to any moving motor vehicle by tow rope, hand grip or otherwise. This section shall not prohibit attaching a trailer to a bicycle that is designed to accommodate such a device.