Every person riding a bicycle, electric scooter, or personal transportation device shall be responsible for providing and using equipment as provided herein:
1.   Every device when in use between sunset and sunrise and when weather conditions provide insufficient lighting to render clearly discernable persons and vehicles on the road at a distance of 300 feet ahead, shall be equipped with a lamp on the front emitting a white light visible from a distance of at least three hundred (300) feet to the front and with a lamp on the rear exhibiting a red light visible from a distance of 300 feet to the rear except that a red reflector on the rear, may be used in lieu of a rear light. The lamps or reflector may be attached to the rider of the device rather than the device itself provided the visibility requirements are met. A peace officer riding a police bicycle is not required to use either front or rear lamps if duty so requires.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.384 and Sec. 321.397)
2.   Equivalent equipment such as headlamps and red-light attachments to the head, back, arm, or leg may be used in lieu of a lamp on the front and a red light on the rear of the device.
3.   Brakes Required. Every device shall be equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make the braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.236[10])
4.   A device shall not be equipped with and a person shall not use upon such device any siren or whistle. This shall not apply to bicycles ridden by peace officer in the line of duty.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.434)