1. Definition. Hunting is defined as pursuing, killing, trapping, snaring, netting, searching for or shooting at, stalking or lying in wait for any game, animal or bird protected by the State laws or rules adopted by the Department of Natural Resources, whether or not such animal is then subsequently captured, killed or injured.
2. Prohibition. It is unlawful for a person to hunt or trap within the City limits or to use any weapons, including snares, traps, pits or other devices capable of killing or injuring an animal. Live trapping of animals that does not cause injury to animals is allowed. Hunting with firearms within City limits is prohibited. Written consent of the Police Chief is required to discharge a firearm manufactured for the control of geese or waterfowl even if the firearm is non-lethal and cannot cause death or injury upon any human being or animal.
3. Special Permits. Special permits by order of the Council may be issued from time to time to allow a special hunting season in the City limits to cull an overpopulated deer herd, or goose population only if the hunting is done with a bow and arrow.
(Ord. 1675 – Oct. 10 Supp.)