1.   Except as provided in this section, no person shall expose the following parts of such person's body to another in any public place or in any place where such exposure either is seen by another person located in a public place or is seen on private property across a real property boundary:
   A.   A woman's nipple, the areola thereof, or full breast, except as necessary in the breast feeding of a baby.
   B.   The pubic hair, pubes, perineum, or anus of a male or female; the penis or scrotum of a male; or the vagina of a female, excepting such body parts of prepubescent infants of either sex.
2.   This section shall not apply to limited or minimal exposures incident to the use of public restrooms or locker rooms or such other places where such exposures occur incident to the prescribed use of those facilities.
3.   This section shall not apply to exposures occurring in live stage plays, live theatrical performances, or live dance performances conducted in a theater, concert hall or similar establishment which is primarily devoted to theatrical performances.
(Ord. 1931 - Feb. 18 Supp.)
No person shall knowingly provide false identification information to anyone known by the person to be a peace officer, emergency medical care provider, or firefighter, whether paid or volunteer, in the performance of any act that is within the scope of the lawful duty or authority of that officer, emergency medical care provider, or firefighter.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 719.1A)
No person shall knowingly or intentionally remove or attempt to remove a communication device or any device used for control from the possession of a peace officer or correctional officer, when the officer is in the performance of any act which is within the scope of the lawful duty or authority of that officer and the person knew or should have known the individual to be an officer.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 708.12)
A person who reasonably believes another person is suffering from a risk of serious bodily injury or imminent danger of death shall, if the person is able, attempt to contact local law enforcement or local emergency response authorities, if doing so does not place the person or other person at risk of serious bodily injury or imminent danger of death. No person shall without lawful cause violate the provisions of this section. A person shall not be required to contact local law enforcement or emergency response authorities if the person knows or reasonably believes that the other person is not in need of help or assistance.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 727.12)
(Ord. 2065 - Sep. 21 Supp.)