A custom-built mailbox may be installed in developments constructed and already receiving mail service before the adoption of this chapter if an application for approval of a custom-built mailbox is submitted to the City for review and is approved. A custom-built mailbox must conform to the following requirements and the rules set forth in the application:
1.   The structure supporting the mailbox shall be at least 12 inches from the back of curb.
2.   The mailbox structure shall not exceed the dimensions of 2 feet in width, 2 feet in depth, 5 feet in height.
3.   The mailbox structure shall be located on a concrete pad, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 2 feet 6 inches deep, and 4 inches thick. The mailbox structure shall not be permanently affixed to the concrete pad in an attempt to make structure rigid.
4.   The local postmaster shall approve and sign off on the application before submittal to the City.
The purchase, installation, and maintenance of mailboxes are the responsibility of the property owner. When two or more property owners share a mailbox post, they are equally responsible for the purchase, installation, and maintenance of the post and each property owner is responsible for their individual mailbox.
Any type of mailbox located in the City right-of-way is subject to damage or destruction, at any time, as a result of the City or a person with a utility easement entering upon the City right-of-way to construct, repair or maintain the utilities located in the City right-of-way or as a result of the City engaging in activities to maintain the public street or right-of-way, such as snow removal, pavement repair or street cleaning. If any mailbox located in the City right-of-way is damaged during such activities, the City or the utility that damaged the mailbox shall either replace the mailbox with a standard curbside mailbox that complies with Section 157.06 of this chapter or reimburse the property owner for the repair or replacement of the mailbox up to a maximum replacement amount set by the City Council in a resolution.
(Ch. 157 - Ord. 2089 - Dec. 21 Supp.)