Section 105.2, Alternate materials, methods and equipment, of the IFGC, is hereby amended by adding the following sections 105.2.2, 105.2.3 and 105.2.4:
Section 105.2.2 - National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54) As Currently Adopted Edition The National Fuel Gas Code, as published by the National Fire Protection Association, as currently adopted, amended and/or referenced by the Plumbing and Mechanical Systems Board, Iowa Department of Public Health and/or the Iowa State Fire Marshal, is hereby approved as an alternate equivalent method for complete gas piping systems; and shall be used for systems, appliances and equipment referenced in IFGC Section 101.2.4 as applicable. Administrative regulations shall be as prescribed in the Ankeny Fuel Gas Code, as amended in this ordinance.
Section 105.2.3 - Liquid Petroleum Gas Code (NFPA 58) As Currently Adopted Edition The Liquid Petroleum Gas Code, as published by the National Fire Protection Association, as currently adopted, amended and/or referenced by the Plumbing and Mechanical Systems Board, Iowa Department of Public Health and/or the Iowa State Fire Marshal and as referenced in this code, is hereby approved as an alternate equivalent method for complete gas piping systems; and shall be used for systems, appliances and equipment referenced in IFGC Section 101.2.4 as applicable. Administrative regulations shall be as prescribed in the Ankeny Fuel Gas Code, as amended in this ordinance.
Section 105.2.4 - State Plumbing Code As Currently Adopted Edition Chapter 12 of the State Plumbing Code unless in conflict with 661 - Chapter 226, Liquid Petroleum Gas, Iowa Administrative Code. Where chapter 12 conflicts with 661 - Chapter 226, the provisions of 661 - Chapter 226 shall be followed.
Section 106.1.3 Permit acquisition, of the IFGC, is hereby established by adding the following:
Section 106.1.3 Permit acquisition
1. Permits are not transferable. Fuel Gas work performed under the provisions of this chapter must be done by a contractor meeting the licensing provisions as set forth by the State of Iowa Plumbing and Mechanical Systems Board in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 105. A responsible person or mechanical professional licensed by the State of Iowa Plumbing and Mechanical Systems Board as a "Master" may sign and obtain a permit for the contractor for which they are employed only when said responsible person or "Master" has provided proof of employment or written confirmation by said licensed contractor. Any permit required by the provisions of this code may be revoked by the Code Official upon the violation of any provision of this code.
2. A State of Iowa licensed Mechanical contractor shall be allowed only to secure permits for himself or herself, or for a single firm or corporation. When a State of Iowa licensed Mechanical contractor has secured such a permit, only the employees of such contractor when meeting the provisions of Iowa Code Chapter 105 shall perform the work for which the permit was obtained.
3. For purposes of this section, an "employee" shall be one employed by the contractor, firm or corporation for a wage or salary. A contractor may be required by the Code Official to show positive evidence as to the employee status of workers on the job. Such evidence shall be in the form of payroll and time records, canceled checks, or other such documents.
4. The contractor may also be required to show the agreement or contract pertaining to the work being questioned as evidence that said contractor is, in fact, the actual contractor for such work. Failure or refusal by the contractor to make available such employee or contractual records within 24 hours from demand therefore shall be grounds for immediate revocation of any permit for the work in question.
Section 106.5.3 Expiration, of the IFGC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section 106.5.3 Twelve Month Expiration Every permit issued under the provisions of this Code shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of issue, unless the application is accompanied by a construction schedule of specific longer duration, in which instance the permit may be issued for the term of the construction schedule, with approval of the Code Official. If the work has not been completed by the expiration date of the permit, no further work shall be done until the permit shall have been renewed by the owner or his or her agent and by payment of the renewal fee as established by Resolution of the City Council, and provided no changes have been made in plans or location. Upon approval, permits may be extended in accordance with the terms and requirements pursuant to City Council resolution or as the same may be amended by the City Council from time to time.
Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees, of the IFGC, is hereby amended by adding the following exception:
Section 109.2 Schedule of Permit Fees exception:
Persons performing work on exempt projects for the Federal Government, the State, the county or city may obtain permits for such work without paying permit fees described herein: provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt payment of permit fees by persons performing work under the direction of the City of Ankeny in connection with the abatement of property as prescribed by law.
Persons performing work on exempt projects for the Federal Government, the State, the county or city may obtain permits for such work without paying permit fees described herein: provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt payment of permit fees by persons performing work under the direction of the City of Ankeny in connection with the abatement of property as prescribed by law.
Section 113, Means of Appeal, of the IPMC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section 113 Board of Examiners and Appeals Pursuant to the Ankeny Municipal Code, there is hereby created the Ankeny Board of Examiners and Appeals. Appeals shall be in accordance thereof.