It is unlawful for any owner or responsible party of any animal to permit or allow the animal to be at large. All violations of any provision(s) of Section 55.06 are hereby declared simple misdemeanors punishable by a fine of at least $50 plus surcharge and court costs and/or municipal infractions punishable by a penalty as listed in Chapter 4 of this Code of Ordinances. Violations may be charged as either a misdemeanor criminal offense or a municipal infraction at the sole discretion of the peace officer.
(Ord. 2008 - Jun. 20 Supp.)
It is unlawful for the owner of a dog to allow or permit such dog to cause serious annoyance or disturbance to any person by frequent and habitual howling, yelping, barking, or otherwise, or by running after or chasing persons, bicycles, automobiles or other vehicles. All violations of any provision(s) of Section 55.08 are hereby declared simple misdemeanors punishable by a fine of at least $50 plus surcharge and court costs and/or municipal infractions punishable by a penalty as listed in Chapter 4 of this Code of Ordinances. Violations may be charged as either a misdemeanor criminal offense or a municipal infraction at the sole discretion of the peace officer.
(Ord. 2008 - Jun. 20 Supp.)
It is unlawful for the owner or responsible party to allow the animal to deposit feces on public or private property without the consent of the property owner. Animal feces deposited on public or private property shall be immediately removed and disposed of in a sanitary manner. This section does not apply to the owner of a service dog when the owner is deemed to be legally blind or to have other medically and physically limiting disabilities.
No person shall take or permit to remain any dog, cat, or any live animal on or upon any premises where food is sold, offered for sale, or processed for consumption by the general public. Fish in tanks and dogs serving persons who are blind or who have other medically and physically limiting disabilities are exempt from this prohibition.
No family or occupant of the same address shall own, harbor or keep more than four dogs or four cats or a combination exceeding four dogs and cats per household on any residentially zoned lot except that a litter of puppies or kittens or a portion of the litter may be kept on the property not more than twelve weeks from birth.
(Ord. 1675 – Oct. 10 Supp.)
It is the duty of the owner of any dog, cat, or other animal which has bitten or attacked a person or any person having knowledge of such bite or attack to report this act to a local health or law enforcement official. It is the duty of physicians and veterinarians to report to the local board of health the existence of any animal known or suspected to be suffering from rabies.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 351.38)
If a local board of health receives information that an animal has bitten a person or that a dog or animal is suspected of having rabies, the board shall order the owner to confine such animal in the manner it directs. If the owner fails to confine such animal in the manner directed, the animal shall be apprehended and impounded by such board, and after ten (10) days the board may humanely destroy the animal. If such animal is returned to its owner, the owner shall pay the cost of impoundment. This section does not apply if a police service dog or a horse used by a law enforcement agency and acting in the performance of its duties has bitten a person.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 351.39)