The City may contract with any incorporated society or association for the following:
1.   The prevention of cruelty to animals;
2.   The collection and protection of dogs;
3.   The maintenance of a shelter or pound for unlicensed or untagged dogs, and for lost, strayed or homeless dogs;
4.   The destruction or other disposition of seized dogs not redeemed as provided by law or ordinance;
5.   The disposal of dead animals;
6.   Assistance in the collection of licenses upon dogs.
The City shall incorporate in the contract the manner in which the work shall be done and in which payments are to be made by the City thereunder, and it may also direct the disposition of all dogs seized, as provided by law, and provide for the costs of care or disposition as provided in this chapter.
1.   Notification of Owner. It shall be the duty of the Police Department or any society under contract with the City to cause to be collected and impounded any dog or cat found to be at large within the City, as defined in Section 55.01(4) of this chapter. When an animal has been apprehended and impounded, written notice shall be provided to the owner within two (2) days after impoundment, if the owner’s name and current address can reasonably be determined by accessing a tag or other device that is on or part of the animal.
2.   Impoundment Fees. Impoundment fees are set and charged by the society under contract with the City. The City requires a $45.00 impoundment fee for any animal transported to the society by the City and recovered by the owner.
(Ord. 1684 - Jan. 11 Supp.)
3.   Service Fee. The owner or responsible party of a licensed animal impounded by the City shall pay a $25.00 service fee to the City. The owner or responsible party of an unlicensed animal impounded by the City shall pay a $45.00 service fee to the City. The owner or responsible party of an unlicensed animal impounded by the City shall license the animal within five business days after the animal is recovered from impoundment. The owner or responsible party of an unlicensed animal recovered at the Police Department will be billed the service fee charged for impoundment.
(Ord. 1684 - Jan. 11 Supp.)
4.   Procedure for Redemption. Owners of animals recovered from the Police Department will be charged a service fee. Owners of animals recovered from the society may be charged impoundment fees and/or service fees.
(Ord. 1684 - Jan. 11 Supp.)
5.   Disposition of Animals. If the owner of an animal apprehended or impounded under the provisions of this section fails to redeem the animal within seven days from the date that the notice is mailed, or if the owner cannot be located within seven days, the animal shall be disposed of in accordance with law or destroyed by euthanasia. Feral cats shall be disposed of pursuant to Section 55.17.                (Ord. 1684 - Jan. 11 Supp.)
(Ord. 1675 – Oct. 10 Supp.)
(Code of Iowa, Ch. 717.E)
1.   Prohibition. It is unlawful for any person to award a pet or advertise that a pet may be awarded as any of the following:
   A.   A prize for participating in a game.
   B.   A prize for participating in a fair.
   C.   An inducement or condition for visiting a place of business or attending an event sponsored by a business.
   D.   An inducement or condition for executing a contract which includes provisions unrelated to the ownership, care or disposition of the pet.
2.   Exceptions. This section does not apply to any of the following:
   A.   A pet shop licensed pursuant to Section 162.5 of the Code of Iowa if the award of a pet is provided in connection with the sale of a pet on the premises of the pet shop.
   B.   Youth programs associated with 4-H Clubs; Future Farmers of America; the Izaak Walton League of America; or organizations associated with outdoor recreation, hunting or fishing, including but not limited to the Iowa Sportsmen’s Federation.
Any cat found to be at large without (a) collar, (b) license or (c) imbedded ownership chip shall be determined to be a feral cat. For purposes of this section a cat shall have a short coat of fur to qualify as a feral cat in addition to the aforementioned requirements of the definition. A feral cat shall be held for a period of twenty-four hours from the date of capture before transportation to the Animal Rescue League. If unclaimed within twenty-four hours, the cat shall be identified as a feral cat for purposes of record management with the Animal Rescue League.
(Ord. 1675 – Oct. 10 Supp.)
It is unlawful to tamper with a rabies vaccination tag.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 351.45)
1.   A person commits the offense of tampering with a rabies vaccination tag if all of the following apply:
   A.   The person knowingly removes, damages, or destroys a rabies vaccination tag as described in Section 351.35 of the Code of Iowa.
   B.   The rabies vaccination tag is attached to a collar worn by a dog, including as provided in Sections 351.25 and 351.26 of the Code of Iowa.
2.   This section shall not apply to an act taken by any of the following:
   A.   The owner of the dog, an agent of the owner, or a person authorized to take action by the owner.
   B.   A peace officer.
   C.   A veterinarian.
   D.   An animal shelter or pound.